What's the government response timeline for Cameroon?
Response timeline
Response versus cases
COVID-19 government response timeline for Cameroon
Find out what policies Cameroon has implemented to combat the pandemic.
Feb 24th, 2020Feb 24
Level 1 of 2
H3: Contact tracing - limited contact tracing; not done for all casesDetails
There is evidence of limited contact tracing as far back as the first case confirmed of COVID in Cameroon on February 24, 2020 http://archive.fo/HJEva
HideMar 13th, 2020Mar 13
Level 1 of 4
C8: International travel controls - screening arrivalsDetails
Strict restrictions - need a negative test before visa obtention: https://www.garda.com/crisis24/news-alerts/322521/cameroon-authorities-implement-entry-restrictions-due-to-covid-19-as-of-march-13-update-1
HideMar 18th, 2020Mar 18
Level 3 of 3
C1: School closing - require closing all levelsDetails
All public and private training educational establishments of various levels of education from nursery school to higher education, including vocational training centres and professional schools will be closed; https://www.journalducameroun.com/en/cameroon-closes-schools-borders-among-measures-to-contain-coronavirus/
HideMar 18th, 2020Mar 18
Level 2 of 3
C2: Workplace closing - require closing (or work from home) for some sectors or categories of workersDetails
Bars, restaurants and entertainment spots will be systematically closed from 6pm https://www.journalducameroun.com/en/cameroon-closes-schools-borders-among-measures-to-contain-coronavirus/
HideMar 18th, 2020Mar 18
Level 2 of 2
C3: Cancel public events - require cancellingDetails
Public events and gatherings of more than fifty persons are prohibited: https://www.africanews.com/2020/03/18/cameroon-closes-all-borders-amid-raft-of-coronavirus-guidelines// https://www.journalducameroun.com/en/cameroon-closes-schools-borders-among-measures-to-contain-coronavirus/
HideMar 18th, 2020Mar 18
Level 3 of 4
C4: Restrictions on gatherings - restrictions on gatherings between 11-100 peopleDetails
Gatherings of more than fifty persons are prohibited: https://www.africanews.com/2020/03/18/cameroon-closes-all-borders-amid-raft-of-coronavirus-guidelines// https://www.journalducameroun.com/en/cameroon-closes-schools-borders-among-measures-to-contain-coronavirus/
HideMar 18th, 2020Mar 18
Level 1 of 2
C5: Close public transport - recommend closing (or significantly reduce volume/route/means of transport available)Details
Urged to avoid overloading buses and taxis: https://www.journalducameroun.com/en/cameroon-closes-schools-borders-among-measures-to-contain-coronavirus/
HideMar 18th, 2020Mar 18
Level 0 of 3
C6: Stay at home requirements - no measuresDetails
Cameroon like most African countries closed its borders – land, sea and air, suspended all academic activities but has not imposed a lockdown or curfew. People must wear masks in public. /web/20200428101204/ https://www.africanews.com/2020/04/24/cameroon-records-203-new-cases-as-covid-19-tally-hits-509//
HideMar 18th, 2020Mar 18
Level 1 of 2
C7: Restrictions on internal movement - recommend not to travel between regions/citiesDetails
Authorities are also asking the public to avoid intercity travel unless absolutely necessary. https://www.garda.com/crisis24/news-alerts/328796/cameroon-coronavirus-containment-measures-extended-march-31-update-3
HideMar 18th, 2020Mar 18
Level 3 of 4
C8: International travel controls - ban arrivals from some regionsDetails
Apr 4th, 2020Apr 04
Level 2 of 2
H1: Public information campaigns - coordinated public information campaign (eg across traditional and social media)Details
Massive anti-COVID-19 campaign starts: https://www.journalducameroun.com/en/cameroon-massive-sensitization-campaign-against-covid-19-kicks-start-tomorrow-in-littoral-region/
HideApr 6th, 2020Apr 06
Level 2 of 3
H2: Testing policy - testing of anyone showing Covid-19 symptomsDetails
Apr 7th, 2020Apr 07
Level 3 of 4
C8: International travel controls - ban arrivals from some regionsDetails
"The Cameroon government has taken steps to contain the spread of COVID-19, including shutting schools and universities, closing borders, banning mass gatherings, encouraging people to follow hygiene rules, and creating a help line." Source: https://www.hrw.org/news/2020/04/10/cameroon-allow-aid-access-amid-pandemic
HideApr 7th, 2020Apr 07
Level 2 of 2
H1: Public information campaigns - coordinated public information campaign (eg across traditional and social media)Details
Apr 18th, 2020Apr 18
Level 3 of 3
C1: School closing - require closing all levelsDetails
Measures still in place: https://www.spm.gov.cm/site/?q=en/content/government-response-strategy-coronavirus-pandemic-covid-19. See also: https://www.aljazeera.com/news/2020/04/masks-bans-questions-cameroon-covid-19-response-200422134140013.html
HideApr 18th, 2020Apr 18
Level 1 of 2
C5: Close public transport - recommend closing (or significantly reduce volume/route/means of transport available)Details
Commercial bus, taxi and motorbike drivers have been warned to avoid overloading. See: https://www.aljazeera.com/news/2020/04/masks-bans-questions-cameroon-covid-19-response-200422134140013.html
HideApr 18th, 2020Apr 18
Level 4 of 4
C8: International travel controls - ban on all regions or total border closureDetails
Government said it shut down land, air and sea borders indefinitely. See: https://www.aljazeera.com/news/2020/03/coronavirus-travel-restrictions-border-shutdowns-country-200318091505922.html
HideApr 24th, 2020Apr 24
Level 1 of 2
C7: Restrictions on internal movement - recommend not to travel between regions/citiesDetails
Cameroon like most African countries closed its borders – land, sea and air, suspended all academic activities but has not imposed a lockdown or curfew. /web/20200428101204/ https://www.africanews.com/2020/04/24/cameroon-records-203-new-cases-as-covid-19-tally-hits-509//
HideApr 26th, 2020Apr 26
Level 1 of 2
H3: Contact tracing - limited contact tracing; not done for all casesDetails
On April 17, Cameroon media outlets reported on the ramping up of contact tracing, and on April 25th, it was reported that 40 'Action Against Hunger' workers were being trained and deployed to increase capacity of the very limited contact tracing in Cameroon: http://archive.fo/D5GqP http://archive.fo/wip/zKM7k
HideMay 1st, 2020May 01
Level 3 of 3
C1: School closing - require closing all levelsDetails
Cameroon has also announced that schools will reopen June 1, 2020 https://www.voanews.com/covid-19-pandemic/cameroon-eases-coronavirus-lockdown-neighbors-block-access
HideMay 1st, 2020May 01
Level 0 of 3
C2: Workplace closing - no measuresDetails
Ngute said bars, restaurants and leisure facilities can now operate after 6 p.m., if customers and users respect safety measures such as wearing protective masks and staying at least two meters apart https://www.voanews.com/covid-19-pandemic/cameroon-eases-coronavirus-lockdown-neighbors-block-access
HideMay 14th, 2020May 14
Level 3 of 3
C1: School closing - require closing all levelsDetails
May 14th, 2020May 14
Level 3 of 4
C4: Restrictions on gatherings - restrictions on gatherings between 11-100 peopleDetails
Gatherings of more than 50 people are prohibited throughout the country: https://www.lexology.com/library/detail.aspx?g=19182ae9-a9cf-45c9-a10c-544fd0b471b6
HideMay 14th, 2020May 14
Level 1 of 2
C5: Close public transport - recommend closing (or significantly reduce volume/route/means of transport available)Details
Urban and inter-urban travel should only be undertaken in cases of extreme necessity
HideMay 14th, 2020May 14
Level 4 of 4
C8: International travel controls - ban on all regions or total border closureDetails
https://www.lexology.com/library/detail.aspx?g=19182ae9-a9cf-45c9-a10c-544fd0b471b6 : 'Cameroon’s land, air and sea borders will be closed: all passenger flights from abroad will therefore be suspended, with the exception of cargo flights and vessels transporting consumer products and essential goods and materials, whose stopover times will be limited and supervised. The issuance of entry visas at Cameroon's various airports is also suspended, as are missions abroad of members of Government and public and para-public sector employees'
HideMay 24th, 2020May 24
Level 3 of 3
C1: School closing - require closing all levelsDetails
Schools will start opening from June 1: https://www.aa.com.tr/en/africa/cameroon-to-open-schools-on-june-1-eases-lockdown/1858592
HideJun 1st, 2020Jun 01
Level 2 of 3
C1: School closing - require closing (only some levels or categories, eg just high school, or just public schools)Details
Cameroonian authorities announced that some measures in place to limit the spread of the coronavirus disease (COVID-19) pandemic would be eased from Monday, June 1. Schools, universities, and training centres, which have been closed since March 17, will be permitted to reopen nationwide provided they adhere to the strict health measures in place. Nursery schools and intermediate classes in primary and secondary schools will not reopen. See: https://www.garda.com/crisis24/news-alerts/347071/cameroon-authorities-to-ease-covid-19-lockdown-measures-from-june-1-update-8
HideJun 1st, 2020Jun 01
Level 3 of 4
C4: Restrictions on gatherings - restrictions on gatherings between 11-100 peopleDetails
Gatherings of more than 50 people remain prohibited. See: https://www.garda.com/crisis24/news-alerts/347071/cameroon-authorities-to-ease-covid-19-lockdown-measures-from-june-1-update-8
HideJun 1st, 2020Jun 01
Level 1 of 2
E1: Income support - government is replacing less than 50% of lost salary (or if a flat sum, it is less than 50% median salary)Details
Continued payment of family allowances from May to July to staff of companies which are unable to pay social security contributions or which have placed their staff on technical leave due to the crisis. See: https://www.imf.org/en/Topics/imf-and-covid19/Policy-Responses-to-COVID-19
HideJun 1st, 2020Jun 01
Level 1 of 2
E2: Debt/contract relief - narrow relief, specific to one kind of contractDetails
Measures include spreading the payment of the social security contributions for the second quarter over three instalments and canceling late fees. See: https://www.imf.org/en/Topics/imf-and-covid19/Policy-Responses-to-COVID-19
HideJun 22nd, 2020Jun 22
Level 1 of 2
H3: Contact tracing - limited contact tracing; not done for all casesDetails
Regular contacts of an infected person are identified, followed and quarantined for two weeks. However, the process is hindered by the existence of a stigma associated with being sick. https://www.minsante.cm/site/?q=fr%2Fcontent%2Fpoint-de-presse-du-23-juin-2020
HideJul 12th, 2020Jul 12
Level 0 of 3
C6: Stay at home requirements - no measuresDetails
Allowed to go out, but with masks on. https://www.journalducameroun.com/en/cameroongovt-reiterates-wearing-of-masks-in-public-places/
HideJul 12th, 2020Jul 12
Level 4 of 4
C8: International travel controls - ban on all regions or total border closureDetails
The Cameroonian Prime Minister has announced that as of March 18 all land, sea, and air borders are closed until further announcement due to COVID-19. Recently, two airlines have been given permission to fly in and out the country. https://cm.usembassy.gov/covid-19-information/ https://www.journalducameroun.com/en/govt-reiterates-compulsory-covid-19-tests-for-pasengers-flying-into-cameroon/
HideJul 27th, 2020Jul 27
Level 2 of 3
C1: School closing - require closing (only some levels or categories, eg just high school, or just public schools)Details
Schools and other educational establishments have partly reopened. International schools have indicated that they plan to reopen in September. http://archive.today/2020.08.05-014856/ https://www.gov.uk/foreign-travel-advice/cameroon/coronavirus
HideJul 27th, 2020Jul 27
Level 0 of 3
C2: Workplace closing - no measuresDetails
No change in policy as corroborated by the following statement on the UK government’s webpage accessed on 5 August 2020: Restrictions on bars, restaurants and entertainment spots have been lifted. http://archive.today/2020.08.05-014856/ https://www.gov.uk/foreign-travel-advice/cameroon/coronavirus
HideJul 27th, 2020Jul 27
Level 2 of 2
C3: Cancel public events - require cancellingDetails
No change in policy as corroborated by the following statement on the UK government’s webpage accessed on 5 Aug 2020: Gatherings of over 50 people are prohibited. http://archive.today/2020.08.05-014856/ https://www.gov.uk/foreign-travel-advice/cameroon/coronavirus
HideJul 27th, 2020Jul 27
Level 3 of 4
C4: Restrictions on gatherings - restrictions on gatherings between 11-100 peopleDetails
Gatherings of over 50 people remain prohibited. http://archive.today/2020.08.05-014856/ https://www.gov.uk/foreign-travel-advice/cameroon/coronavirus
HideJul 27th, 2020Jul 27
Level 1 of 2
C5: Close public transport - recommend closing (or significantly reduce volume/route/means of transport available)Details
No change. The authorities have still banned public transport (taxis, buses, motorbikes) from taking more passengers than they have seats. http://archive.today/2020.08.05-014856/ https://www.gov.uk/foreign-travel-advice/cameroon/coronavirus
HideJul 27th, 2020Jul 27
Level 1 of 2
C7: Restrictions on internal movement - recommend not to travel between regions/citiesDetails
The advice remains that travel within the country should be limited to essential travel only. http://archive.today/2020.08.05-014856/ https://www.gov.uk/foreign-travel-advice/cameroon/coronavirus
HideJul 27th, 2020Jul 27
Level 2 of 3
H2: Testing policy - testing of anyone showing Covid-19 symptomsDetails
Cameroon starts mass virus screening campaign http://archive.today/2020.08.05-015121/ https://www.aa.com.tr/en/africa/cameroon-starts-mass-virus-screening-campaign/1925230H3: 1
HideAug 6th, 2020Aug 06
Level 0 of 2
E1: Income support - no income supportDetails
continued payment of family allowances was only from May to July to staff of companies which are unable to pay social security contributions or which have placed their staff on technical leave due to the crisis. No mention of continuing this policy in August. See: https://www.imf.org/en/Topics/imf-and-covid19/Policy-Responses-to-COVID-19 (web archive not working, but previous notes have captured the same statement)
HideAbout government response data
Data is collected from public sources by a team of over one hundred Oxford University students and staff from every part of the world. Please note: not all countries are equally up to date; for certain countries, some indicators will be missing for some days.
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