What's the government response timeline for Finland?
Response timeline
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COVID-19 government response timeline for Finland
Find out what policies Finland has implemented to combat the pandemic.
Jan 27th, 2020Jan 27
Level 0 of 4
C8: International travel controls - no restrictionsDetails
Finland's foreign ministry has issued a recommendation saying its citizens should avoid travelling to regions in China hardest-hit by the new coronavirus https://yle.fi/uutiset/osasto/news/finland_issues_china_travel_advisory_over_coronavirus_concerns/11177914
HideJan 27th, 2020Jan 27
Level 1 of 2
H1: Public information campaigns - public officials urging caution about Covid-19Details
Finland's foreign ministry has issued a recommendation saying its citizens should avoid travelling to regions in China hardest-hit by the new coronavirus https://yle.fi/uutiset/osasto/news/finland_issues_china_travel_advisory_over_coronavirus_concerns/11177914
HideFeb 6th, 2020Feb 06
Level 3 of 4
C8: International travel controls - ban arrivals from some regionsDetails
Finnair will cancel all flights to and from mainland China from Feb 6. Finnair (FIA1S.HE) canceled all flights to mainland China flights and some Hong Kong flights until the end of April. https://newsnowfinland.fi/domestic/finnair-cancels-all-mainland-china-flights-over-coronavirus-epidemic https://www.reuters.com/article/us-health-coronavirus-airlines-factbox/factbox-airlines-suspend-flights-due-to-coronavirus-outbreak-idUSKBN20W350
HideFeb 26th, 2020Feb 26
Level 1 of 3
H2: Testing policy - only those who both (a) have symptoms AND (b) meet specific criteria (eg key workers, admitted to hospital, came into contact with a known case, returned from overseas)Details
First case and testing begins https://yle.fi/uutiset/osasto/news/woman_in_helsinki_tests_positive_for_novel_coronavirus/11229433
HideFeb 27th, 2020Feb 27
Level 2 of 2
H1: Public information campaigns - coordinated public information campaign (eg across traditional and social media)Details
Covid Coordination group announced on Feb 27th https://vnk.fi/en/article/-/asset_publisher/hallitus-sai-laajan-katsauksen-koronavirustilanteesta-ja-paatti-lisakoordinaatiosta; dedicated, regular info from government maintained as of 24 April: https://thl.fi/en/web/infectious-diseases/what-s-new/coronavirus-covid-19-latest-updates
HideFeb 28th, 2020Feb 28
Level 1 of 2
H3: Contact tracing - limited contact tracing; not done for all casesDetails
28th Feb Contact tracing “Officials said they will contact such persons individually who may have been exposed” from new case. https://yle.fi/uutiset/osasto/news/new_coronavirus_infection_confirmed_in_helsinki/11234516
HideMar 1st, 2020Mar 01
Level 1 of 2
H3: Contact tracing - limited contact tracing; not done for all casesDetails
Contact tracing of early cases, but no clear evidence to imply comprehensive testing in place for ALL cases. "Most of the names of the persons exposed are known to health authorities and they will all be contacted," Järvinen told reporters, according to daily Helsingin Sanomat. https://yle.fi/uutiset/osasto/news/130_in_helsinki_face_quarantine_following_exposure_to_coronavirus/11235775
HideMar 12th, 2020Mar 12
Level 1 of 3
C2: Workplace closing - recommend closing (or recommend work from home)Details
Government statement: “The ministries recommend that employees remain at home on a low-threshold basis if they have returned from an area affected by the coronavirus epidemic or experience flu symptoms. In addition, it is recommended that employees be allowed, upon their notification, to work remotely for a period of time deemed necessary by the employer, for example.” https://valtioneuvosto.fi/en/artikkeli/-/asset_publisher/1271139/suositus-sosiaali-ja-terveydenhuollon-seka-oppilaitosten-henkilostolle-ja-tyonantajille-koronavirustilanteessa
HideMar 12th, 2020Mar 12
Level 2 of 2
C3: Cancel public events - require cancellingDetails
Government statement: "The Government recommends that all public events with more than 500 attendees be cancelled until the end of May. Until May 4, public gatherings are limited to 10 people. https://valtioneuvosto.fi/en/artikkeli/-/asset_publisher/10616/hallitus-paatti-suosituksista-koronaviruksen-leviamisen-hillitsemiseksi
HideMar 12th, 2020Mar 12
Level 0 of 4
C4: Restrictions on gatherings - no restrictionsDetails
No formal restrictions apply to private gatherings. The police has been instructed to not intervene in private events unless they are disturbing public peace, regardless of the number of participants. According to police officers, the formal restrictions on public events have widely been interpreted to apply to private gatherings as well, and there have been very few reports of large private parties despite the absence of formal restrictions. https://www.is.fi/kotimaa/art-2000006444606.html
HideMar 16th, 2020Mar 16
Level 2 of 3
C1: School closing - require closing (only some levels or categories, eg just high school, or just public schools)Details
Early childhood education and care units and the pre-primary education organised in connection with them will be kept in operation. This will ensure access to early childhood education and care for the children of employees in sectors critical to the functioning of society and enable parents to work. The minister clarified in a press conference that daycare centres are to remain open to ensure the basic functioning of society. The premises of schools, educational institutions, universities and universities of applied sciences as well as civic education and other liberal education institutes will be closed down, and contact teaching will be suspended. https://vnk.fi/en/article/-/asset_publisher/hallitus-totesi-suomen-olevan-poikkeusoloissa-koronavirustilanteen-vuoksi https://minedu.fi/en/article/-/asset_publisher/valtioneuvoston-linjaus-suosituksista-varhaiskasvatuksen-esiopetuksen-perusopetuksen-lukio-ja-ammatillisen-koulutuksen-korkeakoulutuksen-vapaan-sivist https://yle.fi/uutiset/osasto/news/ministers_explain_new_school_rules/11263829
HideMar 16th, 2020Mar 16
Level 2 of 3
C2: Workplace closing - require closing (or work from home) for some sectors or categories of workersDetails
The state of emergency closes some businesses and recommends limiting gatherings but is not explicit about workplace closures. It only states that public employers will allow employees to work remotely where possible. Advice seems to be to remain open with social distancing measures rather than closures. All restaurants, cafés and bars must be closed everywhere in Finland starting at midnight on Friday, 3 April. They will remain closed to customers from Saturday 4 April to 31 May 2020. Shopping centres, station buildings, and other public premises, however, may remain open. In other words, being in a shopping centre does not constitute a ‘public gathering’ on the grounds that the number of customers exceeds ten. https://vnk.fi/en/article/-/asset_publisher/hallitus-totesi-suomen-olevan-poikkeusoloissa-koronavirustilanteen-vuoksi https://news.sky.com/story/coronavirus-lockdowns-unlocked-which-countries-are-easing-restrictions-11974027 https://oikeusministerio.fi/en/frequently-asked-questions-about-corona
HideMar 16th, 2020Mar 16
Level 1 of 3
C6: Stay at home requirements - recommend not leaving houseDetails
16th March announcement that public gatherings are limited to no more than ten persons, and it is recommend to avoid spending unnecessary time in public places. You can go out but avoid close contact with other people. Going out is allowed as long as the person keeps a distance of at least 1-2 metres from other people. Stay home if symptomatic and you should stay home as much as possible. Healthy children can go play in playgrounds. To reduce the risk of infection, children should wear outdoor gloves and wash their hands immediately after playing. Public-sector employers will instruct public-sector employees to work from home if their duties make it possible to do so. We can and must still go to forest and enjoy the coming spring in our natural environment. However, we may wish to avoid the most popular hiking destinations and give preference for a day trip e.g. to a forest close to our home. Movie theatres are allowed to remain open, but it is recommended that they be closed. They may also show films, but they must not allow more than ten persons to be present at a screening at the same time. https://valtioneuvosto.fi/en/information-on-coronavirus/current-restrictions https://thl.fi/en/web/infectious-diseases/what-s-new/coronavirus-covid-19-latest-updates/frequently-asked-questions-about-coronavirus-covid-19- https://thl.fi/en/web/infectious-diseases/what-s-new/coronavirus-covid-19-latest-updates/instructions-for-citizens-on-coronavirus https://valtioneuvosto.fi/en/article/-/asset_publisher/10616/hallitus-totesi-suomen-olevan-poikkeusoloissa-koronavirustilanteen-vuoksi https://valtioneuvosto.fi/en/information-on-coronavirus/questions-and-answers https://vnk.fi/en/article/-/asset_publisher/hallitus-totesi-suomen-olevan-poikkeusoloissa-koronavirustilanteen-vuoksi
HideMar 16th, 2020Mar 16
Level 1 of 2
C7: Restrictions on internal movement - recommend not to travel between regions/citiesDetails
The movement of people within Finland's borders is not prohibited, but the Government's policy is that people should try to minimise travel by restricting themselves to essential movements only. https://valtioneuvosto.fi/en/artikkeli/-/asset_publisher/liikenne-ja-viestintaministerion-tietopaketti-koronavirus-ja-liikenne-ja-viestintajarjestelma
HideMar 16th, 2020Mar 16
Level 2 of 2
E1: Income support - government is replacing 50% or more of lost salary (or if a flat sum, it is greater than 50% median salary)Details
From March 16, the government has removed waiting periods and abolished some conditionalities on the duration of employment etc. to make unemployment benefits more accessible for people who have lost their jobs due to the pandemic. 'The five-day waiting period has been abolished starting 16 March. Unemployment benefits will be available from the first day of unemployment. The normal five-day waiting period will be applied again as of 7 July 2020.' 'The work requirement for qualifying for unemployment allowance has been reduced temporarily (.. ) The change will be effective until 6 July 2020.' The Finnish benefits system is complicated, so it's not possible to clearly define whether income support is set at above or below 50% of normal earnings. There are multiple different types of benefits a person can receive depending on factors such as employment history and union membership. The amount of the base unemployment benefit provided by KELA is means-tested; increases to the base amount will be granted depending on conditions such as the number of children and the availability of other sources of income. Many people who lost their jobs will also be union members who receive earnings-related benefit that are calculated on the basis of duration of employment; in many cases this will be larger than the base amount. https://www.kela.fi/web/en/unemployment-benefit-corona
HideMar 19th, 2020Mar 19
Level 4 of 4
C8: International travel controls - ban on all regions or total border closureDetails
THE STATE OF EMERGENCY declared in Finland on Monday will bring about severe restrictions to cross-border traffic as of 12am on Thursday, 19 March. The Finnish government has asked people not to travel abroad, be it by air, land or sea, and recommended that everyone currently abroad, except for people residing permanently in another country, return quickly to Finland. All returnees will be obliged to spend two weeks in quarantine. https://um.fi/ajankohtaista/-/asset_publisher/gc654PySnjTX/content/ulkoministeri-c3-b6-c3-a4l-c3-a4-matkusta-ulkomaille-
HideMar 19th, 2020Mar 19
Level 1 of 3
H2: Testing policy - only those who both (a) have symptoms AND (b) meet specific criteria (eg key workers, admitted to hospital, came into contact with a known case, returned from overseas)Details
In Finland, coronavirus tests conducted to either at-risk, severely ill or health care personnel. https://www.foreigner.fi/articulo/coronavirus/finland-increase-the-covid19-tests-but-not-for-everyone/20200320122125004892.html
HideMar 20th, 2020Mar 20
Level 0 of 2
E2: Debt/contract relief - no debt/contract reliefDetails
No communication of such measures in 1st supplementary budget (20 March) [ https://vnk.fi/en/article/-/asset_publisher/hallitus-antoi-eduskunnalle-lisatalousarvioesityksen-koronaviruksen-vuoksi]
HideMar 28th, 2020Mar 28
Level 2 of 2
C7: Restrictions on internal movement - internal movement restrictions in placeDetails
"On 27 March, the Government submitted to Parliament two decrees concerning the Uusimaa region on the entry into force and the application of the restrictions on movement laid down in the Emergency Powers Act. The restrictions concern movement to and from the Uusimaa region. The movement restrictions in the Uusimaa region will enter into force on 28 March and remain in force until 19 April 2020". https://valtioneuvosto.fi/en/article/-/asset_publisher/10616/liikkumisrajoitukset-uudellemaalle-voimaan-28-maaliskuuta-2020-klo-00-00
HideApr 1st, 2020Apr 01
Level 1 of 3
H2: Testing policy - only those who both (a) have symptoms AND (b) meet specific criteria (eg key workers, admitted to hospital, came into contact with a known case, returned from overseas)Details
The Finnish Institute for Health and Welfare (THL) reported that testing continues to focus primarily on patients with serious respiratory symptoms and social and health care professionals https://www.helsinkitimes.fi/finland/finland-news/domestic/17497-finland-must-start-testing-tens-of-thousands-for-coronavirus-a-week-demands-orpo.html
HideApr 8th, 2020Apr 08
Level 0 of 2
E2: Debt/contract relief - no debt/contract reliefDetails
No communication of such measures in 2st supplementary budget (8 April) [ https://vnk.fi/en/article/-/asset_publisher/hallitus-paatti-vuoden-2020-toisesta-lisatalousarvioesityksesta-seka-julkisen-talouden-suunnitelmasta-vuosille-2021-2024]
HideApr 9th, 2020Apr 09
Level 2 of 3
C1: School closing - require closing (only some levels or categories, eg just high school, or just public schools)Details
Measures from March 16 extended to May 9 https://vnk.fi/en/article/-/asset_publisher/hallituksen-linjauksia-koronavirustartuntojen-leviamisen-hidastamiseksi-ja-riskiryhmien-suojelemiseksi-jatketaan-13-5-saakka
HideApr 15th, 2020Apr 15
Level 1 of 2
C7: Restrictions on internal movement - recommend not to travel between regions/citiesDetails
"In its negotiations yesterday, Tuesday 14 April 2020, the Government decided to immediately lift the restrictions on movement in the region of Uusimaa. The Government will issue a decree to that effect at the government plenary session, which will begin today at 13.00. The decree will enter into force and the restrictions will be lifted immediately after the session." "However, the Government continues to recommend that all unnecessary travel, such as leisure travel, be avoided also in Finland" https://vnk.fi/en/article/-/asset_publisher/xx-1 https://www.euractiv.com/section/health-consumers/short_news/finland-update-covid-19/ https://valtioneuvosto.fi/en/information-on-coronavirus/current-restrictions
HideApr 17th, 2020Apr 17
Level 1 of 3
H2: Testing policy - only those who both (a) have symptoms AND (b) meet specific criteria (eg key workers, admitted to hospital, came into contact with a known case, returned from overseas)Details
"the minister noted there are currently no plans to carry out untargeted tests of the general population who are asymptomatic" https://yle.fi/uutiset/osasto/news/minister_finland_to_significantly_increase_covid-19_testing/11302565
HideMay 14th, 2020May 14
Level 1 of 3
C1: School closing - recommend closingDetails
The return to contact teaching in early childhood education and care and in primary and lower secondary education will take place on 14 May. In higher levels of education, contact teaching is allowed to resume from 14 May, but the Government recommends that universities, upper secondary schools, vocational schools etc. continue distance teaching until the end of the school year. https://valtioneuvosto.fi/en/article/-/asset_publisher/10616/hallitus-linjasi-suunnitelmasta-koronakriisin-hallinnan-hybridistrategiaksi-ja-rajoitusten-vaiheittaisesta-purkamisesta
HideMay 14th, 2020May 14
Level 3 of 4
C8: International travel controls - ban arrivals from some regionsDetails
Statutory restrictions on border traffic will be lifted in cross-border traffic across the Schengen internal borders by allowing employment or commission-related commuting and other essential traffic. For the time being, recreational travel abroad is not recommended https://valtioneuvosto.fi/en/information-on-coronavirus/current-restrictions
HideMay 15th, 2020May 15
Level 3 of 4
C8: International travel controls - ban arrivals from some regionsDetails
At internal borders, the following is permitted: return traffic to Finland; return traffic to or through other EU and Schengen States; travel for work; other essential traffic. At external borders, the following is permitted: return traffic to Finland; return traffic to or through other EU and Schengen States; departure from the country of a third-country national; other essential traffic. https://www.raja.fi/current_issues/guidelines_for_border_traffic
HideMay 29th, 2020May 29
Level 0 of 2
C7: Restrictions on internal movement - no measuresDetails
Starting from May 29, the Government is encouraging domestic travel. All travel should be avoided when sick, and social distancing should still be practiced. https://valtioneuvosto.fi/en/information-on-coronavirus/current-restrictions
HideJun 1st, 2020Jun 01
Level 2 of 2
C3: Cancel public events - require cancellingDetails
As of June 1, the maximum number of participants in public events is expanded from 10 people to 50 people. Special permission must be requested for larger events. https://valtioneuvosto.fi/en/information-on-coronavirus/current-restrictions
HideJun 1st, 2020Jun 01
Level 0 of 3
C6: Stay at home requirements - no measuresDetails
As of June 1, restrictions on the use of public and commercial services have been relaxed. Restaurants and cafés have reopened with a curfew; allowed opening times are between 6AM and 11PM, while alcohol can be served only until 10PM. The number of customers is limited to 50% of maximum capacity. All customers must be seated in a private table, and buffets are not allowed. It is the responsibility of restaurants to ensure that social distancing is respected. Public spaces such as museums, theatres, swimming pools and job centres have reopened. The restriction of maximum 50 participants applies to events such as cinema screenings and concerts. The restriction is not applied to sports facilities and events as strictly; they are expected to comply with recommended measures of social distancing and improved hygiene practices to their best ability. https://valtioneuvosto.fi/artikkeli/-/asset_publisher/10616/muutoksia-koronavirusepidemian-vuoksi-asetettuihin-rajoituksiin-1-kesakuuta
HideJun 5th, 2020Jun 05
Level 1 of 2
E2: Debt/contract relief - narrow relief, specific to one kind of contractDetails
Government announced on 5 June a removal of value added tax on PP&E and other goods vital to fight the pandemic. This will sacrifice around 7 million euros of government revenue over 2020. http://archive.vn/NWn81
HideJun 11th, 2020Jun 11
Level 2 of 2
C3: Cancel public events - require cancellingDetails
On 11 June, the government reviewed restrictions on public events/gatherings. Events over 500 people can be organised with special arrangements from 1 July. These include outdoor events where participants can be seated apart from each other, and includes some provisions about corridors and services for different participant groups. Events over 500 people will be allowed from 31 July without special arrangements. http://archive.vn/dfd0V
HideJun 11th, 2020Jun 11
Level 0 of 4
C4: Restrictions on gatherings - no restrictionsDetails
On 11 June, the government reviewed restrictions on public events/gatherings. Events over 500 people can be organised with special arrangements from 1 July. These include outdoor events where participants can be seated apart from each other, and includes some provisions about corridors and services for different participant groups. Events over 500 people will be allowed from 31 July without special arrangements. http://archive.vn/dfd0V
HideJun 11th, 2020Jun 11
Level 2 of 2
E1: Income support - government is replacing 50% or more of lost salary (or if a flat sum, it is greater than 50% median salary)Details
The government announced on 11 June that eligibility rules for unemployment benefits will be increased. Previously one could earn up to 300 euros a month without it affecting their unemployment benefit. This has now been increased to 500 a month. Government announcement: http://archive.vn/S4oNc
HideJun 15th, 2020Jun 15
Level 1 of 3
C2: Workplace closing - recommend closing (or recommend work from home)Details
On 15 June the government declares the state of emergency and governance under the Emergency Powers Act, which has been in place since 17 March, to be over. While working remotely is still recommended wherever possible, all sectors of the economy are allowed to reopen. Government announcement: http://archive.vn/H4ryv
HideJun 15th, 2020Jun 15
Level 1 of 2
C3: Cancel public events - recommend cancellingDetails
As the state of emergency has ended, public gatherings of 50-500 people are now allowed as long as special precautionary measures are complied with. With no special measures in place, public gatherings of up to 50 people are allowed both indoors and outdoors. https://archive.vn/YC6qi
HideJun 15th, 2020Jun 15
Level 3 of 4
C8: International travel controls - ban arrivals from some regionsDetails
On 15 June the government declares the state of emergency and governance under the Emergency Powers Act, which has been in place since 17 March, to be over. Government announcement: http://archive.vn/H4ryv
HideJun 16th, 2020Jun 16
Level 2 of 4
C8: International travel controls - quarantine arrivals from some or all regionsDetails
Relaxation of border restrictions -on the land border between Finland and Norway -on flight and regular ferry travel between Finland and Norway, Denmark, Iceland, Estonia, Latvia, and Lithuania -private boat travel Restrictions remain on travel between Finland and Schengen countries not mentioned above. This includes travel between Finland and Sweden. Travel regarding family matters, personal reasons, or attending to property in Finland is allowed. Returning traffic to Finland concerns all Finnish, EU, and Schengen residents and their family members. Finnish citizens always have a right to return. The government continues to recommend avoiding unnecessary travel to other countries (not Norway, Denmark, Iceland, Estonia, Latvia, or Lithuania). Border entry from outside the EU and Schengen countries continues to be restricted until 14th July. The government still recommends a 14-day self-quarantine for travellers outside the EU and Schengen countries. Government announcement: https://archive.st/hqob
HideJul 9th, 2020Jul 09
Level 1 of 3
C1: School closing - recommend closingDetails
According to the press release of May 4th, starting on 14 May, Contact teaching can be resumed in a controlled and gradual manner for general upper secondary schools, vocational schools, higher education institutions and liberal education. However, the Government recommends that universities, universities of applied sciences, upper secondary schools, vocational schools, liberal adult education and basic adult education institutes continue distance teaching until the end of the semester. Link : https://valtioneuvosto.fi/en/-/10616/hallitus-linjasi-suunnitelmasta-koronakriisin-hallinnan-hybridistrategiaksi-ja-rajoitusten-vaiheittaisesta-purkamisesta
HideJul 9th, 2020Jul 09
Level 1 of 3
C2: Workplace closing - recommend closing (or recommend work from home)Details
According to a governmental press release of June 18th, the restrictions concerning the opening hours, licensing hours and numbers of customers of food and beverage service businesses will be lifted completely from (and including) 13 July 2020. Until 12 July, restaurants, cafes and bars will be allowed to seat no more than three quarters of their normal number of customers inside their establishments. From 13 July onwards, all customers will still be required to have their own seats, and receive instructions on how to prevent the spread of the virus. Public indoor premises such as national and municipal museums, theatres gradually opened after 1 June. In its meeting on 23 June, the Government stated that the recommendation on extensive remote work would end on 1 August. Link: https://valtioneuvosto.fi/-/1271139/osa-ravintoloiden-ja-kahviloiden-rajoituksista-lakkaa-13-heinakuuta-osa-sailyy-31-8-saakka?languageId=en_US https://valtioneuvosto.fi/en/-/10616/hallitus-linjasi-suunnitelmasta-koronakriisin-hallinnan-hybridistrategiaksi-ja-rajoitusten-vaiheittaisesta-purkamisesta https://valtioneuvosto.fi/en/-/10616/government-updates-policies-on-border-issues-remote-working-and-recommendations-for-persons-over-70-years-of-age
HideJul 9th, 2020Jul 09
Level 2 of 2
C3: Cancel public events - require cancellingDetails
On 14 May, the Ministry of Education and Culture and the Finnish Institute for Health and Welfare issued guidelines on preventing coronavirus infections during public events.The Regional State Administrative Agency has decided that public events of more than 500 persons will be prohibited until 31 August. However, Public meetings and public events with a maximum of 50 persons may be held in indoor and outdoor premises. Public meetings and public events with more than 50 and a maximum of 500 persons in indoor and enclosed outdoor spaces may be organised with special arrangements. https://valtioneuvosto.fi/en/information-on-coronavirus/current-restrictions
HideJul 9th, 2020Jul 09
Level 2 of 4
C4: Restrictions on gatherings - restrictions on gatherings between 101-1000 peopleDetails
In its meeting on Wednesday 17 June, the Government recommends that until the end of July, Internal and outdoor events with more than 50 but fewer than 500 attendees are permitted, Outdoor events with more than 500 attendees are allowed with special separation arrangements. As of 1 August 2020, events with more than 500 persons may be organised in both indoor and outdoor spaces. As of 1 October 2020, all indoor and outdoor events would be permitted without restrictions on the number of attendees. Link: https://valtioneuvosto.fi/-/10616/hallitus-linjasi-lievennyksista-kokoontumisrajoituksiin-ravitsemisliikkeiden-toimintaan-ja-vierailukaytantoihin-1?languageId=en_US
HideJul 9th, 2020Jul 09
Level 0 of 3
C6: Stay at home requirements - no measuresDetails
In its meeting on Tuesday 23 June, The Government no longer issues an age-based recommendation to avoid physical contact. it is advisable to take a cautious approach using individual discretion. voluntary quarantine is recommended for all those entering Finland who come from countries that are still subject to internal or external border control. https://valtioneuvosto.fi/en/-/10616/government-updates-policies-on-border-issues-remote-working-and-recommendations-for-persons-over-70-years-of-age
HideJul 9th, 2020Jul 09
Level 0 of 2
C7: Restrictions on internal movement - no measuresDetails
Travel within Finland is allowed as long as health and safety guidelines relating to coronavirus are observed. Link : https://valtioneuvosto.fi/en/information-on-coronavirus/current-restrictions
HideJul 9th, 2020Jul 09
Level 3 of 4
C8: International travel controls - ban arrivals from some regionsDetails
On 10 July, the Government decided that from 13 July 2020, the Government will lift the restrictions on traffic at the internal borders between Finland and countries where the incidence of the coronavirus is similar to that in the countries where internal border control has already been lifted. As a general rule, the limit value is eight new cases of the disease per 100,000 persons in the previous 14 days. The restrictions will continue to be in force to the extent that they are still necessary due to a serious threat posed by the epidemiological situation. Traffic between Finland and the non-European countries on the green list of the EU Council will be opened up subject to certain restrictions if the country meets criteria, not others at the moment. The Government will review its decisions on border traffic restrictions in two weeks’ time and, if necessary, make new decisions. https://valtioneuvosto.fi/en/-/1410869/government-decision-on-border-traffic-restrictions-from-13-july
HideJul 9th, 2020Jul 09
Level 2 of 2
E1: Income support - government is replacing 50% or more of lost salary (or if a flat sum, it is greater than 50% median salary)Details
According to the press release of June 11th, the protective part of the unemployment benefit has temporarily increased from the current EUR 300 to EUR 500 per month (from EUR 279 to EUR 465 over four calendar weeks). http://archive.vn/S4oNc#selection-4221.0-4221.176
HideJul 9th, 2020Jul 09
Level 2 of 3
H2: Testing policy - testing of anyone showing Covid-19 symptomsDetails
THL recommends coronavirus testing at a low threshold with symptoms. However, they don’t test persons who are asymptomatic, since it does not always provide reliable results. Virus testing currently has a capacity of over 13,000 tests per day. Link: https://thl.fi/en/web/infectious-diseases-and-vaccinations/what-s-new/coronavirus-covid-19-latest-updates/symptoms-and-treatment-coronavirus/coronavirus-tests
HideJul 17th, 2020Jul 17
Level 1 of 3
C2: Workplace closing - recommend closing (or recommend work from home)Details
N.B. for future coding: the Government announced on 23 June that the recommendation for "extensive teleworking" will end on 1 August to allow for a "flexible gradual transition to normal working conditions" (recommending coding of 0 from 1 August onwards) https://valtioneuvosto.fi/-/10616/hallitus-linjasi-neuvottelussaan-rajakysymyksista-etatyosta-ja-yli-70-vuotiaita-koskevista-suosituksista
HideJul 17th, 2020Jul 17
Level 1 of 2
C3: Cancel public events - recommend cancellingDetails
Public events are permitted with conditions. For public events < 50 persons: "Public meeting and public events with a maximum of 50 persons may be held in indoor and outdoor premises." For public events of 50-500 persons: "Public meetings and public events with more than 50 and a maximum of 500 persons in indoor and enclosed outdoor spaces may be organised with special arrangements." For public events >500 persons: "The Regional State Administrative Agency has decided that public events of more than 500 persons will be prohibited until 31 August." "It is possible to have a total audience of more than 500 persons at outdoor events where there are several sections or demarcated areas intended for audiences." N.B. for future coding, on 1 August the Government will permit indoor events with more than 500 persons only where "arrangements [...] comply with the guidelines issued on 14 May by the Finnish Institute for Health and Welfare and the Ministry of Education and Culture on preventing the spread of coronavirus infections." http://archive.fo/SXyUa
HideJul 23rd, 2020Jul 23
Level 2 of 3
H2: Testing policy - testing of anyone showing Covid-19 symptomsDetails
A statement on current restrictions by the Ministry of Social Affairs and Health on 23 July emphasizes testing for symptomatic individuals: "Testing is now the most important thing As the restrictions associated with the coronavirus epidemic are gradually dismantled, active testing needs to be continued to ensure that all chains of infection are identified and severed in a timely manner. It is therefore recommended that anyone with any symptoms consistent with the coronavirus apply for laboratory tests." https://valtioneuvosto.fi/-/1271139/koronavirusepidemiatilanne-on-vakaa-tilannetta-seurataan-tarkasti
HideJul 27th, 2020Jul 27
Level 3 of 4
C8: International travel controls - ban arrivals from some regionsDetails
On 27 July, the Government reintroduced internal Schengen border controls for traffic between Finland and Austria, Slovenia, and Switzerland, while certain external "third countries" on a "green list" are now permitted to enter. "At its session today, 23 July, the Government decided to reintroduce internal border control for traffic between Finland and Austria, Slovenia and Switzerland. In these countries, the number of cases has started to increase since the previous assessment. The restrictions will take effect on Monday, July 27th." "Adopted by the Council on 30 June. a recommendation (the so-called green list) on the lifting of restrictions on border traffic for non-EU countries (third countries). The Council recommends that Member States should lift restrictions at the external borders in a coordinated and gradual manner. Traffic between Finland and the countries on the green list will be opened with certain restrictions if the number of infections in the country on the list does not exceed 8 cases per 100,000 persons during the previous 14 days. Eligible countries are South Korea, Georgia, Japan, China, Rwanda, Thailand, Tunisia, Uruguay and New Zealand. In traffic between Finland and these countries, 13.7. commuting and other essential services for residents of those countries, and 27.7. From now on, traffic between Finland and these countries is allowed without restrictions. However, in the case of China, as recommended by the Council, the Council of the EU is required to confirm the adequate implementation of reciprocity." http://archive.fo/ABrEq
HideAug 16th, 2020Aug 16
Level 1 of 3
C1: School closing - recommend closingDetails
Note: Schools are also allowed to operate in person. See https://fi.usembassy.gov/covid-19-information/(accessed 24th August 2020, web archive link not working)
HideAug 16th, 2020Aug 16
Level 1 of 3
C2: Workplace closing - recommend closing (or recommend work from home)Details
On August 13, the government adopted resolutions on recommendations for remote work where possible. See: https://www.imf.org/en/Topics/imf-and-covid19/Policy-Responses-to-COVID-19 (accessed 24th August 2020, web archive link not working)
HideAug 16th, 2020Aug 16
Level 2 of 4
C4: Restrictions on gatherings - restrictions on gatherings between 101-1000 peopleDetails
Note: Public events with more than 500 participants may be held indoors. See https://fi.usembassy.gov/covid-19-information/(accessed 24th August 2020, web archive link not working)
HideAbout government response data
Data is collected from public sources by a team of over one hundred Oxford University students and staff from every part of the world. Please note: not all countries are equally up to date; for certain countries, some indicators will be missing for some days.
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