What's the government response timeline for Switzerland?
Response timeline
Response versus cases
COVID-19 government response timeline for Switzerland
Find out what policies Switzerland has implemented to combat the pandemic.
Feb 15th, 2020Feb 15
Level 1 of 2
H3: Contact tracing - limited contact tracing; not done for all casesDetails
"In canton Zurich, 17 "detectives" were operational by mid-February, according to the NZZ." https://www.swissinfo.ch/eng/tracking-contact_health-detectives-deployed-to-contain-spread-of-coronavirus-/45585452
HideFeb 24th, 2020Feb 24
Level 2 of 3
H2: Testing policy - testing of anyone showing Covid-19 symptomsDetails
"the tests for people with flu-like symptoms in Switzerland will be intensified" https://www.admin.ch/gov/de/start/dokumentation/medienmitteilungen.msg-id-78205.html
HideFeb 25th, 2020Feb 25
Level 2 of 2
C3: Cancel public events - require cancellingDetails
Ticino bans public gatherings from 25 Feb https://www.swissinfo.ch/eng/covid-19_switzerland-confirms-first-coronavirus-case/45579278
HideFeb 27th, 2020Feb 27
Level 1 of 2
H1: Public information campaigns - public officials urging caution about Covid-19Details
Statement from FOPH: "In view of the rising number of confirmed cases around the world, and particularly in northern Italy, it is likely that further cases will occur in Switzerland. The medical services are well prepared to identify and deal with suspected cases and treat further patients." https://www.bag.admin.ch/bag/en/home/das-bag/aktuell/medienmitteilungen.msg-id-78268.html
HideFeb 28th, 2020Feb 28
Level 2 of 2
C3: Cancel public events - require cancellingDetails
Switzerland has imposed a ban on public events that gather more than 1,000 people together in the same place until at least March 15 in response to the coronavirus threat. https://www.swissinfo.ch/eng/coronavirus_switzerland-bans-events-with-more-than-1-000-people/45585378
HideFeb 28th, 2020Feb 28
Level 1 of 4
C4: Restrictions on gatherings - restrictions on very large gatherings (the limit is above 1000 people)Details
Switzerland has imposed a ban on public events that gather more than 1,000 people together in the same place until at least March 15 in response to the coronavirus threat. https://www.swissinfo.ch/eng/coronavirus_switzerland-bans-events-with-more-than-1-000-people/45585378
HideMar 3rd, 2020Mar 03
Level 2 of 2
H1: Public information campaigns - coordinated public information campaign (eg across traditional and social media)Details
"Protect yourself and others" campaign started. https://foph-coronavirus.ch/
HideMar 7th, 2020Mar 07
Level 1 of 3
H2: Testing policy - only those who both (a) have symptoms AND (b) meet specific criteria (eg key workers, admitted to hospital, came into contact with a known case, returned from overseas)Details
"patients who stay at home with flu-like symptoms are usually no longer tested for the coronavirus. Comprehensive tests are not possible due to the laboratory capacities. Even those who come back from a risk area in Italy and then only show mild symptoms should stay at home without getting tested." https://www.derbund.ch/schweiz/standard/bund-sucht-nicht-mehr-alle-coronainfizierten/story/20389898
HideMar 10th, 2020Mar 10
Level 0 of 4
C8: International travel controls - no restrictionsDetails
"As at Tuesday evening, March 10th, there have been no travel restrictions adopted anywhere in Switzerland." https://www.thelocal.ch/20200310/coronavirus-should-you-cancel-your-trip-to-or-from-switzerland
HideMar 13th, 2020Mar 13
Level 3 of 3
C1: School closing - require closing all levelsDetails
"On March 13, the Swiss government announced the temporary closure of schools and universities nationwide to slow the spread of the novel coronavirus." https://www.swissinfo.ch/eng/covid-19_switzerland-closes-its-schools-to-slow-virus-spread/45614324
HideMar 13th, 2020Mar 13
Level 0 of 2
C5: Close public transport - no measuresDetails
Public transport companies should therefore maintain basic national and regional services. Transport for tourism and leisure will be restricted or cancelled at the request of the individual transport companies. (no government requirements for service closures) ( https://www.bag.admin.ch/bag/en/home/krankheiten/ausbrueche-epidemien-pandemien/aktuelle-ausbrueche-epidemien/novel-cov/empfehlungen-fuer-die-arbeitswelt.html)
HideMar 13th, 2020Mar 13
Level 3 of 4
C8: International travel controls - ban arrivals from some regionsDetails
"As of 13 March, the Swiss authorities announced that entry into Switzerland from Italy will be not be permitted, with only limited exemptions for those transiting, Swiss citizens and Swiss resident permit holders, and those with “compelling reasons” to enter." https://www.independent.co.uk/travel/news-and-advice/coronavirus-travel-advice-spain-france-switzerland-austria-slovenia-latest-a9389576.html
HideMar 17th, 2020Mar 17
Level 3 of 3
C2: Workplace closing - require closing (or work from home) for all-but-essential workplaces (eg grocery stores, doctors)Details
"The government banned all private and public events starting at midnight on March 17. It also ordered the closure of bars, restaurants, sports facilities and cultural spaces. Only businesses providing essential goods to the population – such as grocery stores, bakeries, pharmacies, banks and post offices – are to remain open." https://www.swissinfo.ch/eng/covid-19_switzerland-declares-coronavirus-crisis-an--extraordinary--situation/45620148
HideMar 17th, 2020Mar 17
Level 4 of 4
C4: Restrictions on gatherings - restrictions on gatherings of 10 people or lessDetails
banned gatherings of more than five people. https://www.swissinfo.ch/eng/covid-19_switzerland-declares-coronavirus-crisis-an--extraordinary--situation/45620148
HideMar 17th, 2020Mar 17
Level 1 of 3
C6: Stay at home requirements - recommend not leaving houseDetails
On March 17, the Federal Council (Switzerland's executive body) issued a recommendation for all residents to stay at home, especially the sick and people 65 or older. Exceptions are: residents who must go to their place of work or cannot work from home, people who must see their doctor or pick up medication at a pharmacy, those who are providing assistance to someone in need, or those who need to purchase food or other essential household supplies. https://www.swissinfo.ch/eng/public-service-announcement_coronavirus--instructions-from-the-swiss-government/45623094
HideMar 17th, 2020Mar 17
Level 1 of 2
C7: Restrictions on internal movement - recommend not to travel between regions/citiesDetails
Swiss residents strongly discouraged from traveling between cantons but not prohibited https://www.admin.ch/gov/en/start/documentation/media-releases.msg-id-78454.html
HideMar 19th, 2020Mar 19
Level 1 of 2
E2: Debt/contract relief - narrow relief, specific to one kind of contractDetails
'On 18 March 2020, the Swiss Federal Council declared the suspension of limitation periods for the entire Swiss debt collection system [...] The suspension will be in effect from 19 March 2020, 7 a.m., until midnight of 4 April 2020. [...] The suspension of the limitation periods means, in essence, that debt collection acts may no longer be carried out.' https://iclg.com/briefing/11252-covid-19-suspension-of-debt-enforcement-proceedings-and-potential-measures-in-the-judicial-sector
HideMar 20th, 2020Mar 20
Level 2 of 2
E1: Income support - government is replacing 50% or more of lost salary (or if a flat sum, it is greater than 50% median salary)Details
On 20th March, the Swiss Federal Council announces a package of economic measures to combat the effects of coronavirus. This includes compensation for loss of earnings for both employees and the self employed, corresponding to 80% of their income. https://www.bsv.admin.ch/bsv/de/home/publikationen-und-service/medieninformationen/nsb-anzeigeseite.msg-id-78515.html
HideMar 28th, 2020Mar 28
Level 1 of 2
E2: Debt/contract relief - narrow relief, specific to one kind of contractDetails
Deadline for rent arrears due by tenants extended from 30 days to 90 days, according to 'Ordinance on Mitigating the Effects of the Coronavirus Pandemic on Leases' announced by Swiss Federal Council on 27th March. Ordinance to come into force on 28th March and to apply until 31st May. https://www.admin.ch/opc/en/classified-compilation/20200890/index.html
HideMar 29th, 2020Mar 29
Level 3 of 4
C8: International travel controls - ban arrivals from some regionsDetails
Ban on all foreigners except for Liechtenstein: https://www.bag.admin.ch/bag/de/home/krankheiten/ausbrueche-epidemien-pandemien/aktuelle-ausbrueche-epidemien/novel-cov/massnahmen-des-bundes.html
HideApr 27th, 2020Apr 27
Level 2 of 3
C2: Workplace closing - require closing (or work from home) for some sectors or categories of workersDetails
On April 16th, the Federal Council decided that some businesses may begin reopening on April 27th. These include "hairdressing salons, massage practices, tattoo and cosmetic studios. Florists, DIY stores and garden centres may also open again, as can unstaffed public facilities such as car washes." https://www.bag.admin.ch/bag/en/home/das-bag/aktuell/medienmitteilungen.msg-id-78818.html
HideApr 27th, 2020Apr 27
Level 2 of 2
C3: Cancel public events - require cancellingDetails
Switzerland continues its restrictions on gatherings and public events. However, as of April 27th, funeral attendance will no longer be limited to close relatives. https://www.bag.admin.ch/bag/en/home/das-bag/aktuell/medienmitteilungen.msg-id-78818.html
HideApr 27th, 2020Apr 27
Level 4 of 4
C4: Restrictions on gatherings - restrictions on gatherings of 10 people or lessDetails
Switzerland continues its restrictions on gatherings and public events. However, as of April 27th, funeral attendance will no longer be limited to close relatives. https://www.bag.admin.ch/bag/en/home/das-bag/aktuell/medienmitteilungen.msg-id-78818.html
HideApr 27th, 2020Apr 27
Level 1 of 3
C6: Stay at home requirements - recommend not leaving houseDetails
At an April 16th meeting, the Federal Council noted that although more workplaces are opening up beginning April 27th, recommendations on social distancing and working from home are still in effect, and continued its recommendation to stay home when possible. https://www.bag.admin.ch/bag/en/home/das-bag/aktuell/medienmitteilungen.msg-id-78818.html
HideMay 6th, 2020May 06
Level 1 of 2
H3: Contact tracing - limited contact tracing; not done for all casesDetails
Contact-Tracing lies in the responsibility of the regions (Kantonen). The below article states that many regions have given up contact-tracing as cases increased so that it seems most appropriate to leave H3=1-Limited: "Because now the Federal Office of Public Health (BAG) requires all cantonal doctors to keep track of all contacts of newly infected people. At the very beginning of the Covid 19 pandemic, all cantons did this. But the number of infected people increased so quickly that most cantons gave up this so-called contact tracing." (see https://www.medinside.ch/de/post/beim-contact-tracing-ist-zug-der-vorbild-kanton)
HideMay 11th, 2020May 11
Level 2 of 3
C1: School closing - require closing (only some levels or categories, eg just high school, or just public schools)Details
From 11 May, primary and lower secondary schools be allowed to reopen and recommence classroom teaching. At baccalaureate schools and at vocational colleges and higher education institutions, classes involving up to five students, including music lessons can resume from 11 May. Exams can be held, provided the rules on hygiene and social distancing are respected. Classes involving larger groups should be possible from 8 June. https://www.bag.admin.ch/bag/en/home/das-bag/aktuell/medienmitteilungen.msg-id-78948.html
HideMay 11th, 2020May 11
Level 2 of 3
C2: Workplace closing - require closing (or work from home) for some sectors or categories of workersDetails
The Federal Council has decided that not only shops and markets, but also museums, libraries and archives should be allowed to reopen from 11 May. In these establishments, implementing the rules on hygiene and social distancing is straightforward and it is easy to control people's movements. Botanical gardens and zoos will remain closed, but are expected to reopen on 8 June. https://www.bag.admin.ch/bag/en/home/das-bag/aktuell/medienmitteilungen.msg-id-78948.html
HideMay 11th, 2020May 11
Level 3 of 4
C8: International travel controls - ban arrivals from some regionsDetails
The Federal Council maintains ban with some measures relaxed: "After consultation with the Federal Department of Foreign Affairs, the Federal Department of Home Affairs (EDI) defines countries or regions that are referred to as a risk country or risk region. According to the ordinance of March 25, 2020, all countries and areas are currently risk countries or areas. The Principality of Liechtenstein is an exception. All persons are denied entry to Switzerland, except from the Principality of Liechtenstein Exceptions are possible, for example for people who live or work in Switzerland. Anyone wishing to enter despite a ban on entry must demonstrate that one of the exceptions has been met. The measures have been relaxed since May 11, 2020. Applications submitted by EU / EFTA and third country workers before March 25 will be processed. Since then, family reunification with Switzerland has been possible again for Swiss and EU citizens. The border controls remain however." https://www.bag.admin.ch/bag/de/home/krankheiten/ausbrueche-epidemien-pandemien/aktuelle-ausbrueche-epidemien/novel-cov/massnahmen-des-bundes.html
HideMay 11th, 2020May 11
Level 2 of 3
H2: Testing policy - testing of anyone showing Covid-19 symptomsDetails
testing increased to anyone symptomatic according to press release by the Department of Public Health, Swiss. Tariff on testing cost reduced also. http://archive.vn/wip/zUZLQ
HideMay 11th, 2020May 11
Level 2 of 2
H3: Contact tracing - comprehensive contact tracing; done for all identified casesDetails
Contact tracing is in the responsibility of the 26 cantons, making it difficult to assess the exact situation. In terms of policy, it seems that all cantons continued, resumed or set up contact tracing as of 11 May 2020. See below for a list of references to the cantons for which explicit documentation was found. Therefore as of 11 May 2020, H2=2. HOWEVER: -the capacities are not always sufficient and information on this is documented in later entries -there is no strong central coordination (the cantons do their own thing) -although all cantons see it as their duty to implement contact tracing the wording at the federal level only talks about a "recommendation" as in: "Contact tracing is recommended for all people with laboratory-confirmed COVID-19 or for hospitalized people with probable COVID-19. The responsible cantonal agency identifies the close contacts and contacts them." (see https://www.bag.admin.ch/bag/de/home/krankheiten/ausbrueche-epidemien-pandemien/aktuelle-ausbrueche-epidemien/novel-cov/information-fuer-die-aerzteschaft/contact-tracing.html) Despite these restrictions, H2=2 seems to reflect the policy of the cantons best. DETAILS ON 17/26 CANTONS (Canton, start/resumption of contact tracing, source of information) Zürich 11.05.20 https://www.toponline.ch/news/zuerich/detail/news/contact-tracing-im-kanton-zuerich-wird-ausgebaut-00133958/ Bern 11.05.20 https://www.be.ch/portal/de/index/mediencenter/medienmitteilungen/suche.archiv.meldungNeu.html/portal/de/meldungen/mm/2020/05/20200508_1013_gesundheitsbereichgehtineinenaechstephase.html Luzern 04.05.20 https://www.luzernerzeitung.ch/zentralschweiz/luzern/contact-tracing-ist-im-kanton-luzern-gut-angelaufen-ld.1220280 Schwyz earlier https://march24.ch/articles/9093-contact-tracing-im-kanton-schwyz-laeuft Obwalden 27.04.20 https://www.watson.ch/schweiz/coronavirus/528400132-wildwuchs-beim-contakt-tracing-wie-jeder-kanton-vor-sich-hinwerkelt Nidwalden 23.04.20 https://www.watson.ch/schweiz/coronavirus/528400132-wildwuchs-beim-contakt-tracing-wie-jeder-kanton-vor-sich-hinwerkelt Glarus 11.05.20 https://www.gl.ch/public-newsroom/details.html/31/news/14697 Zug 03.03.20 https://www.zg.ch/behoerden/gesundheitsdirektion/direktionssekretariat/aktuell/coronavirus-contact-tracing-wird-intensiviert Fribourg 11.05.20 https://www.fr.ch/de/covid19/news/testen-tracken-isolieren-neue-strategie-zur-eindaemmung-des-coronavirus Solothurn earlier https://www.watson.ch/schweiz/coronavirus/528400132-wildwuchs-beim-contakt-tracing-wie-jeder-kanton-vor-sich-hinwerkelt Basel-Stadt 22.04.20 https://www.bs.ch/nm/2020-coronavirus-start-der-covid-care-app-im-kanton-basel-stadt-gd.html Schaffhausen 07.05.20 https://sh.ch/CMS/Webseite/Kanton-Schaffhausen/Beh-rde/Regierung/Staatskanzlei-4163774-DE.html Appenzell Ausserhoden 11.05.20 https://www.nau.ch/ort/herisau/appenzell-ausserrhoden-verstarkt-contact-tracing-65704174 St. Gallen earlier https://www.watson.ch/schweiz/coronavirus/528400132-wildwuchs-beim-contakt-tracing-wie-jeder-kanton-vor-sich-hinwerkelt Graubünden 11.05.20 https://www.gr.ch/DE/Medien/Mitteilungen/MMStaka/2020/Seiten/2020051501.aspx Aargau 11.05.20 https://www.srf.ch/news/regional/aargau-solothurn/erste-bilanz-contact-tracing-ist-ein-wirksames-mittel Thurgau 11.05.20 https://www.lungenliga.ch/de/lungenliga-thurgau/dienstleistungen/contact-tracing.html
HideMay 12th, 2020May 12
Level 1 of 3
C6: Stay at home requirements - recommend not leaving houseDetails
Remained "stay at home" messaging. https://www.bag.admin.ch/bag/en/home/krankheiten/ausbrueche-epidemien-pandemien/aktuelle-ausbrueche-epidemien/novel-cov/empfehlungen-fuer-den-alltag.html
HideMay 20th, 2020May 20
Level 2 of 3
H2: Testing policy - testing of anyone showing Covid-19 symptomsDetails
Official government site states "In order to identify any new infection as quickly as possible, all people with symptoms are now tested." (see https://www.bag.admin.ch/bag/de/home/krankheiten/ausbrueche-epidemien-pandemien/aktuelle-ausbrueche-epidemien/novel-cov/haeufig-gestellte-fragen.html) It is unclear when the change was exactly made.
HideMay 30th, 2020May 30
Level 3 of 4
C4: Restrictions on gatherings - restrictions on gatherings between 11-100 peopleDetails
According to a decision taken on May 27 2020 (see https://www.admin.ch/opc/de/official-compilation/2020/1815.pdf) as of May 30 2020 "Crowds of more than 30 people in public spaces, especially in public places, on footpaths and in parks, are prohibited; This does not apply to schoolchildren gathering on break places"
HideMay 31st, 2020May 31
Level 1 of 3
C6: Stay at home requirements - recommend not leaving houseDetails
In the "Recommendations for everyday life" of 31 May 2020: "We have to stop the further spread of the new coronavirus. That's why we should generally still stay at home. " ( https://www.bag.admin.ch/bag/en/home/krankheiten/ausbrueche-epidemien-pandemien/aktuelle-ausbrueche-epidemien/novel-cov/empfehlungen-fuer-den-alltag.html)
HideJun 1st, 2020Jun 01
Level 0 of 2
E2: Debt/contract relief - no debt/contract reliefDetails
The measure to protect renters expired on 1 June 2020 "Extension of the deadline for payment arrears by the tenant from 30 today to at least 90 days. However, this only applies to payment arrears that arise in connection with the Federal Council's measures to combat the corona virus. It is also only about rents and ancillary costs that are due between March 13 and May 31, 2020." ( https://www.bwo.admin.ch/bwo/de/home/mietrecht/coronavirus.html) Other measures providing debt/contract relief to families are not known.
HideJun 6th, 2020Jun 06
Level 1 of 3
C1: School closing - recommend closingDetails
As of 6 June 2020, the federal level decided that "Classroom teaching at upper secondary and vocational schools, higher education and other educational institutions" now is permitted. (see https://www.bag.admin.ch/bag/en/home/krankheiten/ausbrueche-epidemien-pandemien/aktuelle-ausbrueche-epidemien/novel-cov/massnahmen-des-bundes.html) Note that schools still need to put protective measures in place. The general protective measures defined at the federal level are "According to the guidelines and recommendations of the Federal Office of Public Health (BAG), no distance rules apply between students. The minimum distance of 1.5 meters specified by the BAG should be kept as possible between adults and schoolchildren. The minimum distance must be observed among adults." Universities are responding step by step and are only partially reopening as is documented in later entries. Therefore, the level is changed to "1G" and not "0".
HideJun 6th, 2020Jun 06
Level 1 of 3
C2: Workplace closing - recommend closing (or recommend work from home)Details
As of 6 June 2020, there are no more restrictions on workplaces. However the "The recommendation to work from home if possible" stays in effect and was only lifted on 22 June 2020. (see https://www.bag.admin.ch/bag/en/home/krankheiten/ausbrueche-epidemien-pandemien/aktuelle-ausbrueche-epidemien/novel-cov/massnahmen-des-bundes.html)
HideJun 6th, 2020Jun 06
Level 2 of 2
C3: Cancel public events - require cancellingDetails
The only remaining restrictions are on gatherings in public of more than 30 people, events or demonstrations with more than 300 people and sports competition involving close physical contact. Keeping a distance, wearing a mask and observing hygiene rules still applies. As public event with more than 300 people are still forbidden, the flag is kept a C3=2 for now. (see https://www.bag.admin.ch/bag/en/home/krankheiten/ausbrueche-epidemien-pandemien/aktuelle-ausbrueche-epidemien/novel-cov/massnahmen-des-bundes.html)
HideJun 6th, 2020Jun 06
Level 3 of 4
C4: Restrictions on gatherings - restrictions on gatherings between 11-100 peopleDetails
The only remaining restrictions are on gatherings in public of more than 30 people, events or demonstrations with more than 300 people and sports competition involving close physical contact. Keeping a distance, wearing a mask and observing hygiene rules still applies. (see https://www.bag.admin.ch/bag/en/home/krankheiten/ausbrueche-epidemien-pandemien/aktuelle-ausbrueche-epidemien/novel-cov/massnahmen-des-bundes.html)
HideJun 6th, 2020Jun 06
Level 1 of 3
C6: Stay at home requirements - recommend not leaving houseDetails
"From 6 June, the measures put in place to fight the new coronavirus will be extensively eased." This includes: -Events with up to 300 people allowed -Sports events allowed to resume (except for sports with continuous, close physical contact) -Mountain rail and cableways, campsites, zoos and swimming pools to reopen -Restaurants: larger groups allowed -Classroom teaching at upper secondary and vocational schools and at higher education institutions (from https://www.admin.ch/gov/en/start/documentation/media-releases/media-releases-federal-council.msg-id-79268.html) BUT: "Recommendations on working from home remain in place" and the government "Recommendations for everyday life" of 7 June 2020 still say "We have to stop the further spread of the new coronavirus. That's why we should generally still stay at home."( https://www.bag.admin.ch/bag/en/home/krankheiten/ausbrueche-epidemien-pandemien/aktuelle-ausbrueche-epidemien/novel-cov/empfehlungen-fuer-den-alltag.html)
HideJun 6th, 2020Jun 06
Level 0 of 2
C7: Restrictions on internal movement - no measuresDetails
As of 6 June 2020, there are no more restrictions on workplaces. The only remaining restrictions are on gatherings in public of more than 30 people, events or demonstrations with more than 300 people and sports competition involving close physical contact. Keeping a distance, wearing a mask and observing hygiene rules still applies (see https://www.bag.admin.ch/bag/en/home/krankheiten/ausbrueche-epidemien-pandemien/aktuelle-ausbrueche-epidemien/novel-cov/massnahmen-des-bundes.html)
HideJun 8th, 2020Jun 08
Level 1 of 3
C1: School closing - recommend closingDetails
In response to changes in policy at the federal level (see 6 June 2020), the 4 largest universities responded as follows: Universität Zürich: "On June 8, 2020, UZH switched to an adapted face-to-face operation, in compliance with the applicable rules of conduct and hygiene and the ban on assembly." ( https://www.uzh.ch/cmsssl/de/about/coronavirus/students.html) ETH: several restrictions were not yet lifted when checking on 9 August 2020. For example: "The student assistants are generally not allowed to work at ETH until the end of August." ( https://ethz.ch/services/de/news-und-veranstaltungen/coronavirus/studierende.html) Universität Bern kept restrictions until July 1st 2020: "The University of Bern is returning to normality with reduced attendance: from July 1, 2020 - in compliance with the distance and hygiene rules in accordance with the protection concept - employees will be present at the workplace for 50 percent of their working hours as a guide recommended. ... The university buildings are generally open again." ( https://www.unibe.ch/coronavirus/index_ger.html) University de Genève: "From 8 June, University buildings is once again accessible to all members of the academic community, students and staff. ... Workspaces in the common areas of University buildings are accessible again. They are reorganized to respect social distancing rule. Some services may still have limited access and hours due to health-related restrictions." ( https://www.unige.ch/coronavirus/en/services-et-batiments/) Due to the above, it seems best to keep C1 at 1T until at least the end of August (see ETH) as the 4 largest universities reopen according to different schedules.
HideJun 11th, 2020Jun 11
Level 3 of 3
H2: Testing policy - open public testing (eg "drive through" testing available to asymptomatic people)Details
The FAQ on the official government web-site has been updated and now states "A diagnostic analysis for SARS-CoV2 costs around 95 francs. Whether or not you are reimbursed depends on whether you are displaying symptoms of illness, are considered to be at especially high risk and/or whether you require medical treatment." From this I derive that tests are generally available, but not always reimbursed. (see https://www.bag.admin.ch/bag/en/home/krankheiten/ausbrueche-epidemien-pandemien/aktuelle-ausbrueche-epidemien/novel-cov/haeufig-gestellte-fragen.html)
HideJun 15th, 2020Jun 15
Level 3 of 4
C8: International travel controls - ban arrivals from some regionsDetails
The federal government announced the following changes going into effect on 15 June 2020 (see https://www.sem.admin.ch/sem/en/home.html) "From 15 June, border controls at all land and air borders between Switzerland and the other Schengen states will be lifted. From then, normal entry requirements will apply again: to all citizens of a Schengen state to persons with rights of free movement to third-country nationals who do not require a visa who are already legally resident in the Schengen area" However: "Foreign nationals without rights of free movement who wish to enter Switzerland but do not fall within any of the categories of exceptions under the COVID-19 Ordinance are still subject to entry restrictions." whereby "right of free movement" is defined as "EU/EFTA and UK citizens and their family members, irrespective of their nationality, have rights of free movement. Family members are defined as spouses and relatives in descending line (i.e. children and grandchildren, etc., including those of the spouse) who are under the age of 21 years or who are dependent, and dependent relatives of the person concerned or his or her spouse in ascending line (i.e. parents, grandparents). Different rules apply for students’ family members). Third-country nationals also have rights of free movement if they are posted to work in Switzerland for no more than 90 days by an employer based in the EU/EFTA, provided they have previously been living and working legally in an EU/EFTA member state for at least one year." Therefore: despite the big change since 15 June 2020, the flag needs to be kept at "3-Ban" as some people who want to visit Switzerland but do not fall into the "right of free movement description" are still banned entry (e.g. tourists from outside of EU/EFTA/UK).
HideJun 22nd, 2020Jun 22
Level 1 of 3
C2: Workplace closing - recommend closing (or recommend work from home)Details
** At the federal level: Effective on 22 June 2020: "Since 22 June the recommendation to work from home and specific requirements for protecting people at especially high risk have been lifted. Employers may now decide themselves how to protect their employees and whether they should work from home or in the office. The Employment Act applies in all cases: employers are required to protect the health of their employees with appropriate measures. With regard to the coronavirus, this means that employers must ensure that their employees can observe the recommendations on hygiene and social distancing. If it is not possible to respect the recommended distance, measures should be introduced that apply the usual workplace STOP principle (Substitution, Technical measures, Organisational measures, Personal protective equipment). For example: working from home, physical partitioning in the workplace, or wearing face masks. It is no longer necessary for employers to have formal sets of precautionary measures, unless their business, or parts of it, are generally accessible to the public." (see https://www.bag.admin.ch/bag/en/home/krankheiten/ausbrueche-epidemien-pandemien/aktuelle-ausbrueche-epidemien/novel-cov/massnahmen-des-bundes.html) **However, some local cantons have stricter recommendations. One such Canton is Basel that recommends to work from home if possible ( https://www.coronavirus.bs.ch/so-schuetzen-wir-uns.html) Therefore the level is set to 1T
HideJun 22nd, 2020Jun 22
Level 2 of 2
C3: Cancel public events - require cancellingDetails
As of 22 June 2020, Events with up to 1000 people are permitted (see https://www.bag.admin.ch/bag/en/home/krankheiten/ausbrueche-epidemien-pandemien/aktuelle-ausbrueche-epidemien/novel-cov/massnahmen-des-bundes.html)
HideJun 22nd, 2020Jun 22
Level 1 of 4
C4: Restrictions on gatherings - restrictions on very large gatherings (the limit is above 1000 people)Details
As of 22 June 2020, the ban on gathering in public spaces has been lifted Open/permitted is -"Gatherings in public of groups of more than 30 people" -"Events with more than 300 people. Where more than 300 persons attend: division in sectors each with 300 persons; this also applies to large clubs, etc. " However "The limit of 1000 people remains in place (at least) until 31 August 2020" Therefore the value is set to C4=1 (see https://www.bag.admin.ch/bag/en/home/krankheiten/ausbrueche-epidemien-pandemien/aktuelle-ausbrueche-epidemien/novel-cov/massnahmen-des-bundes.html)
HideJun 22nd, 2020Jun 22
Level 0 of 3
C6: Stay at home requirements - no measuresDetails
Effective on 22 June 2020 "the recommendation to work from home and specific requirements for protecting people at especially high risk have been lifted." Based on this, it seems cleanest to also change C6 to 0 on 22 June 2020. However: The German-language "recommendations" already dropped the recommendation to stay at home on or before 17 June ( https://www.bag.admin.ch/bag/de/home/krankheiten/ausbrueche-epidemien-pandemien/aktuelle-ausbrueche-epidemien/novel-cov/empfehlungen-fuer-den-alltag.html) but after 6 June (see that entry). WARNING: the English language version of "New coronavirus: Recommendations for everyday life" at the Federal Office of Public Health FOPH keeps stating "That's why we should generally still stay at home." In this inconsistency between the English-language and the German/French/Italian-language version, it is taken that the German/French/Italian versions are the authoritative ones! So DO NOT rely on the English version for this topic.
HideJun 25th, 2020Jun 25
Level 3 of 3
H2: Testing policy - open public testing (eg "drive through" testing available to asymptomatic people)Details
"As of 25 June, the federal government is [...] assuming test costs where the FOPH’s criteria are met. This is the case, for example, if you experience symptoms compatible with COVID-19 and your doctor advises that you get tested for the coronavirus. If the FOPH’s test criteria are not met, the federal government will not assume test costs. This can be the case if you require a test result in order to be able to travel, or if the test is carried out at the request of your employer." (from https://www.bag.admin.ch/bag/en/home/krankheiten/ausbrueche-epidemien-pandemien/aktuelle-ausbrueche-epidemien/novel-cov/massnahmen-des-bundes.html)
HideJun 25th, 2020Jun 25
Level 2 of 2
H3: Contact tracing - comprehensive contact tracing; done for all identified casesDetails
"SwissCovid, the Swiss coronavirus contact tracing app, can now be downloaded on the smartphones of over eight million residents, after parliament passed a legal amendment to govern its use and data protection. From June 25, the app will be available from the Apple App and Google Play stores for the public to test it." (see https://www.swissinfo.ch/eng/switzerland-launches-swisscovid-contact-tracing-app-for-residents/45859778)
HideJul 1st, 2020Jul 01
Level 2 of 2
E1: Income support - government is replacing 50% or more of lost salary (or if a flat sum, it is greater than 50% median salary)Details
"On July 1, 2020, the Federal Council extended the maximum period for receiving short-time work compensation from twelve to eighteen months." "Until the end of August 2020, companies can claim short-time work compensation (KAE) within two years within a maximum of twelve months. In order to counteract a further rise in unemployment, the Federal Council has decided to extend the maximum period for which short-time work benefits are paid." ( https://www.admin.ch/gov/de/start/dokumentation/medienmitteilungen.msg-id-79716.html) and "The right of self-employed persons directly or indirectly affected by measures against the Corona Virus to Corona replacement wages is extended until September 16. The people in the event area who are employed in their own company and who are in a hardship situation can now also claim corona earnings compensation. This was decided by the Federal Council at its meeting on July 1, 2020." ( https://www.admin.ch/gov/de/start/dokumentation/medienmitteilungen.msg-id-79685.html)
HideJul 1st, 2020Jul 01
Level 2 of 2
H3: Contact tracing - comprehensive contact tracing; done for all identified casesDetails
The policy is kept at H3=2 since 11 May 2020 as this is the policy of all cantons (see entry on 11 May 2020). However, media articles indicate that contact tracers might not be able to keep up. "“Demanding” - contact tracing in the cantons is the Achilles' heel in the fight against Corona" "Rising numbers of cases and confusing "superspreader events" push cantons to their limits when it comes to tracing infection chains. The Federal Council is confident that they are up to the challenge." ( https://www.aargauerzeitung.ch/schweiz/stark-gefordert-das-contact-tracing-der-kantone-ist-die-achillesferse-im-kampf-gegen-corona-138330953)
HideJul 2nd, 2020Jul 02
Level 3 of 3
H2: Testing policy - open public testing (eg "drive through" testing available to asymptomatic people)Details
Tests are now free for residents ( https://www.swissinfo.ch/eng/society/covid-19_coronavirus--the-situation-in-switzerland/45592192)
HideJul 2nd, 2020Jul 02
Level 2 of 2
H3: Contact tracing - comprehensive contact tracing; done for all identified casesDetails
the SwissCovid contact tracing app became available on June 25; as of June 30, about 920,000 people had downloaded it ( https://www.swissinfo.ch/eng/society/covid-19_coronavirus--the-situation-in-switzerland/45592192)
HideJul 3rd, 2020Jul 03
Level 3 of 4
C4: Restrictions on gatherings - restrictions on gatherings between 11-100 peopleDetails
At the federal level, only gatherings over 1000 people are forbidden but local cantons have put stricter measures in place. "The canton of Ticino tightens the rules the most: gatherings of over 30 people are prohibited, and a maximum of 100 people can be catered for in nightclubs." as of 3 July 2020. ( https://www.nzz.ch/schweiz/corona-massnahmen-verweigerer-machen-den-kantone-grosse-probleme-ld.1564656?reduced=true)
HideJul 3rd, 2020Jul 03
Level 2 of 2
H3: Contact tracing - comprehensive contact tracing; done for all identified casesDetails
Contact tracing is in the responsibility of the regions (Kantonen) and as their policy is comprehensive tracing, the policy value has been set to H3=2 since 11 May 2020. However, media reports indicate that the capacity might be insufficient. "With the increasing number of Corona cases, contact tracing is back in the spotlight. The cantons are better prepared than in spring, but it remains unclear whether they will be able to cope with the increasing number of cases." ( https://www.aargauerzeitung.ch/schweiz/kaum-steigen-die-infektionszahlen-an-ist-das-contact-tracing-der-kanton-am-anschlag-138348831)
HideJul 6th, 2020Jul 06
Level 0 of 2
C5: Close public transport - no measuresDetails
"In view of the increasing volume of people travelling and the rising number of new infections since mid-June, the Federal Council has decided to make masks compulsory on public transport throughout the country from Monday, 6 July 2020. " (from https://www.bag.admin.ch/bag/en/home/krankheiten/ausbrueche-epidemien-pandemien/aktuelle-ausbrueche-epidemien/novel-cov/massnahmen-des-bundes.html)
HideJul 6th, 2020Jul 06
Level 3 of 4
C8: International travel controls - ban arrivals from some regionsDetails
As of 6 July 2020: "In addition, travellers from certain regions will have to go into quarantine." (this is on top of a ban for certain countries so that the overall assessment stays at 3-Ban) (from https://www.bag.admin.ch/bag/en/home/krankheiten/ausbrueche-epidemien-pandemien/aktuelle-ausbrueche-epidemien/novel-cov/massnahmen-des-bundes.html)
HideJul 9th, 2020Jul 09
Level 3 of 4
C4: Restrictions on gatherings - restrictions on gatherings between 11-100 peopleDetails
At the federal level, gatherings over 1000 people are forbidden but local cantons have put stricter measures in place. -The canton of Ticino still seems the strictest: gatherings of over 30 people are prohibited, and a maximum of 100 people can be catered for in nightclubs. This drives C4=3T. -Other cantons are also restricting the local rules on gatherings: Basel-Stadt decided: "The government council, in coordination with the cantons of Basel-Landschaft, Aargau and Solothurn, has decided on further protective measures. The measures relate to the reduction in the number of guests from the previous 300 to 100 people in restaurants and events, when neither distance rules can be observed nor protective measures such as masks or barriers are provided, but only the recording of contact details. These measures will take effect on Thursday, July 9, 2020 and will apply until December 31, 2020." ( https://www.coronavirus.bs.ch/umgang-mit-anlaessen.html)
HideJul 9th, 2020Jul 09
Level 2 of 2
H3: Contact tracing - comprehensive contact tracing; done for all identified casesDetails
"A recent survey has shown that more than half of the Swiss population does not intend to download the tracing application SwissCovid." ( https://www.swissinfo.ch/eng/majority-of-swiss-reluctant-to-download-contact-tracing-app/45891280)
HideJul 10th, 2020Jul 10
Level 3 of 4
C8: International travel controls - ban arrivals from some regionsDetails
"Foreign nationals without rights of free movement who wish to enter Switzerland but do not fall within any of the categories of exceptions under the COVID-19 Ordinance are still subject to entry restrictions. It is likely that restrictions on entry from 15 specific third countries will be lifted from 20 July." ( https://www.sem.admin.ch/sem/en/home.html)
HideJul 13th, 2020Jul 13
Level 2 of 2
C3: Cancel public events - require cancellingDetails
"Events attended by more than 1,000 people remain prohibited until at least the end of August." ( https://www.bag.admin.ch/bag/en/home/krankheiten/ausbrueche-epidemien-pandemien/aktuelle-ausbrueche-epidemien/novel-cov/massnahmen-des-bundes.html)
HideJul 14th, 2020Jul 14
Level 3 of 4
C8: International travel controls - ban arrivals from some regionsDetails
No change: "The ban on entry applies to foreign nationals who want to travel to Switzerland from a high-risk country for a stay here of up to three months, without working, that would normally not require a permit – i.e. primarily tourists, persons visiting family or friends, or on business. High-risk countries are any countries that are not in the Schengen area." ( https://www.sem.admin.ch/sem/en/home/aktuell/aktuell/faq-einreiseverweigerung.html)
HideJul 17th, 2020Jul 17
Level 1 of 3
C2: Workplace closing - recommend closing (or recommend work from home)Details
Some cantons (e.g. Basel) still recommend to work from home (see https://www.coronavirus.bs.ch/so-schuetzen-wir-uns.html)
HideJul 20th, 2020Jul 20
Level 2 of 2
H3: Contact tracing - comprehensive contact tracing; done for all identified casesDetails
Contact tracing is in the responsibility of the cantons. As all cantons have a policy of comprehensive tracing, H3=2 since 11 May 2020 (see entry there for details). However, media reports point at limitations of the system: " -The number of cases of new corona infections in Switzerland is steadily increasing. -Contact tracers reach the limit in their daily work. -The cantonal health directors raise the alarm. " (see https://www.nau.ch/news/schweiz/wegen-steigenden-fallzahlen-kantone-rekrutieren-mehr-contact-tracer-65745070)
HideJul 30th, 2020Jul 30
Level 3 of 4
C4: Restrictions on gatherings - restrictions on gatherings between 11-100 peopleDetails
Federally there are no more restrictions up to 1000 people. But several cantons have imposed stricter rules: The strictest cantons seem: -Tessin: "Crowds of more than 30 people are prohibited, clubs are only allowed to greet a maximum of 100 people and they must identify themselves." -Zug: "Only 30 people are allowed in clubs and bars." Several cantons only allow 100 people at events or in restaurants (sometimes larger groups are allowed if distancing is ensured or masks are worn): Aargau (until 16 August 2020), Basel-Landschaft (until 31 August 2020), Basel-Stadt (until 31 August 2020), Luzern, Solothurn (see for an overview: https://www.blick.ch/politik/masken-beim-posten-ausweis-in-der-disco-diese-corona-regeln-gelten-in-den-kantonen-id16016981.html)
HideJul 31st, 2020Jul 31
Level 2 of 3
C2: Workplace closing - require closing (or work from home) for some sectors or categories of workersDetails
"Faced with the worrying increase in the number of coronavirus cases, Geneva decided on Friday [2020-07-31] to ban clubs [nightclubs, cabarets,...] until at least August 23." ( https://www.lenouvelliste.ch/dossiers/coronavirus/articles/coronavirus-geneve-ordonne-la-fermeture-de-toutes-les-boites-de-nuit-961096)
HideAug 3rd, 2020Aug 03
Level 2 of 2
C3: Cancel public events - require cancellingDetails
Keeping C3=2G because at the federal level "Large-scale events attended by more than 1,000 people are likely to remain prohibited until at least 31 August 2020." ( https://www.bag.admin.ch/bag/en/home/krankheiten/ausbrueche-epidemien-pandemien/aktuelle-ausbrueche-epidemien/novel-cov/massnahmen-des-bundes.html)
HideAug 3rd, 2020Aug 03
Level 3 of 4
C8: International travel controls - ban arrivals from some regionsDetails
"Coronavirus: Life partners from third countries can enter the country from August 3, 2020" ( https://www.admin.ch/gov/de/start/dokumentation/medienmitteilungen.msg-id-79949.html) A ban on entry from many countries stays in effect (see 8 August 2020 entry for overview)
HideAug 6th, 2020Aug 06
Level 3 of 4
C4: Restrictions on gatherings - restrictions on gatherings between 11-100 peopleDetails
"The government of Ticino extends the measures in the fight against the Covid 19 pandemic until August 24." (Ticino is the canton with the strictest regulations, see earlier entries for details) ( https://www.nzz.ch/schweiz/coronavirus-in-der-schweiz-die-neusten-entwicklungen-ld.1542664?reduced=true)
HideAug 8th, 2020Aug 08
Level 3 of 4
C8: International travel controls - ban arrivals from some regionsDetails
The overall policy stays at 3-ban as "citizens travelling from most non-Schengen countries, including the US, may not enter Switzerland except in exceptional cases." ( https://www.swissinfo.ch/eng/covid-19_coronavirus--the-situation-in-switzerland/45592192) A list of non-Schengen countries not affected by this ban as of 8 August 2020 can be found here: https://www.admin.ch/opc/en/classified-compilation/20201773/index.html Citizens and residents of Switzerland may always enter the country. Those who do enter Switzerland from any of 46 "high-risk" countries (as of 8 August 2020: https://www.bag.admin.ch/bag/en/home/krankheiten/ausbrueche-epidemien-pandemien/aktuelle-ausbrueche-epidemien/novel-cov/empfehlungen-fuer-reisende/quarantaene-einreisende.html) must undergo a ten-day quarantine or face a fine.
HideAug 10th, 2020Aug 10
Level 1 of 3
C1: School closing - recommend closingDetails
PRIMARY/SECONDARY EDUCATION: The school year has resumed in 11 cantons (as the regular summer recess ended) and, in all of those, schools are open with face-to-face lessons but with hygiene measures that differ from canton to canton (e.g. some require masks, others don't). Other cantons are in summer recess and plan to resume face-to-face lessons in a similar way. An overview of the hygiene measures is here: https://www.srf.ch/news/schweiz/kantone-uneins-bei-schulbeginn-maskenpflicht-in-der-schule-die-uebersicht HIGHER EDUCATION: The entry of 8 June 2020 still applies (possibly until the end of August): as some universities are not completely open yet, 1T is kept.
HideAug 12th, 2020Aug 12
Level 2 of 2
C3: Cancel public events - require cancellingDetails
Pre-announcement of a change that will need to be recorded on 1 October 2020: "At its meeting on 12 August, the Federal Council took the decision to re-allow events for more than 1000 people from 1 October. Strict protective measures will apply and the events will have to be authorised by the cantons, taking into account the local epidemiological situation and their contact tracing capacity." ( https://www.admin.ch/gov/en/start/documentation/media-releases.msg-id-80054.html)
HideAug 14th, 2020Aug 14
Level 2 of 3
C2: Workplace closing - require closing (or work from home) for some sectors or categories of workersDetails
Measures in Geneva have been extended until 10 September 2020 "As for nightclubs, discotheques, dance halls, cabaret-dance halls and similar facilities, their closure is extended until September 10, 2020." ( https://www.ge.ch/document/covid-19-nouvelles-mesures-prevention)
HideAug 20th, 2020Aug 20
Level 2 of 2
C3: Cancel public events - require cancellingDetails
A press release of the federal government states "The Confederation and the cantons have also exchanged views on uniform approval criteria for large-scale events. At its meeting on August 12, 2020, the Federal Council decided to allow events with more than 1,000 people again from October 1. The cantons must approve the events, taking into account the epidemiological situation and their capacities for contact tracing." ( https://www.admin.ch/gov/de/start/dokumentation/medienmitteilungen.msg-id-80144.html)
HideAug 20th, 2020Aug 20
Level 3 of 4
C4: Restrictions on gatherings - restrictions on gatherings between 11-100 peopleDetails
The canton of Ticino already extended measures until 7 September 2020 including "Gatherings up to a maximum of 30 people" ( https://www4.ti.ch/fileadmin/DSS/DSP/UMC/malattie_infettive/Coronavirus/RG/20200819_Flyer_Misure_Cantonali.pdf)
HideAug 20th, 2020Aug 20
Level 2 of 2
H3: Contact tracing - comprehensive contact tracing; done for all identified casesDetails
A press release of the federal government states "In a joint assessment of the situation, the federal government and the cantons found that the situation is currently under control, despite the increasing number of cases, and that the cantons' contact tracing is working." ( https://www.admin.ch/gov/de/start/dokumentation/medienmitteilungen.msg-id-80144.html)
HideAug 25th, 2020Aug 25
Level 1 of 3
C1: School closing - recommend closingDetails
HIGHER EDUCATION: C1=1T as restrictions documented on 8 June 2020 still apply at e.g. ETH Zürich ( https://ethz.ch/services/de/news-und-veranstaltungen/coronavirus/studierende.html) FOR PRIMARY AND SECONDARY SCHOOL: C1=0 Except for canton Tessin, all Summer recesses ended on 26 August 2020 and all schools are open for face-to-face education, with hygiene measures defined by the canton. In case of infections, individual people or groups that were in contact with the infected person need to go in quarantine but entire schools have not been closed, so that C1=0 seems to describe the situation best DETAILS on cantons 01-08 (the next sets of cantons will be checked during a later update in a cyclical manner) 01 Zürich: "All school levels start with whole classes in the 2020/21 school year. The schools have drawn up protection concepts... At grammar schools and vocational schools, pupils are now wearing masks outside of class in the interior of the school." ( https://www.zh.ch/de/gesundheit/coronavirus/informationen-rund-um-schulen-kitas-heime.html) No information could be found on school closures. 02 Bern: "Face-to-face teaching with protective measures" ( https://www.erz.be.ch/erz/de/index/kindergarten_volksschule/kindergarten_volksschule/corona/schuljahr-2020-21.assetref/dam/documents/ERZ/AKVB/de/00_Allgemeines/allgemeines_volksschule_corona_leitfaden_praesenzunterricht_mit_schutzmassnahmen_d.pdf) No information could be found on school closures. 03 Luzern: "Classes take place regularly in full classes. It is important to adhere to the hygiene and distance rules.§ ( https://volksschulbildung.lu.ch/coronavirus) No information could be found on school closures. 04 Uri: Fact-to-face teaching with hygiene measures ( https://www.ur.ch/publikationen/20342) No information could be found on school closures. 05 Schwyz: "The education department of the canton Schwyz has determined that the resumption of school operations after the summer holidays should take place at all schools in face-to-face classes. Depending on the school level, different protection concepts are used - but what they all have in common is that there is no general mask requirement in class." ( https://www.sz.ch/public/upload/assets/48071/MM_Schulstart_SJ2020_21_Schutzkonzepte.pdf) Some people need to go into quarantine due to local infections but entire schools were not closed. 06 Obwalden: "The new school year starts with classroom and full-class lessons. The hygiene and protective measures introduced by the FOPH before the summer holidays apply to primary schools. Each school has created its own protection concept. There is no general mask requirement." ( https://www.ow.ch/de/verwaltung/dienstleistungen/?dienst_id=5962) The strategy is to impose quarantine for the people who had contact to a confirmed case but not to close schools. This happened on 26 August 2020 in a school in Sachseln ( https://www.pilatustoday.ch/zentralschweiz/luzern/nach-corona-fall-50-sachsler-oberstufenschueler-in-quarantaene-138902006) 07 Nidwalden: face to face education with hygiene measures ( https://www.nw.ch/_docn/223337/FAQ_Schulstart_Schuljahr_2020.pdf) No information could be found on school closures. 08 Glarus: "In the 2020/21 school year, lessons at the Glarus schools will take place at all levels in all subjects and in all lessons according to the timetable. The necessary protective and preventive measures continue to apply" ( https://www.gl.ch/verwaltung/finanzen-und-gesundheit/gesundheit/coronavirus.html/4817) No information could be found on school closures.
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Data is collected from public sources by a team of over one hundred Oxford University students and staff from every part of the world. Please note: not all countries are equally up to date; for certain countries, some indicators will be missing for some days.
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