
What's the government response timeline for Togo?

Response timeline
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COVID-19 government response timeline for Togo

Find out what policies Togo has implemented to combat the pandemic.
Mar 6th, 2020Mar 06
Level 1 of 3
H2: Testing policy - only those who both (a) have symptoms AND (b) meet specific criteria (eg key workers, admitted to hospital, came into contact with a known case, returned from overseas)Details
First case recorded in Togo - hence testing had commenced. Woman was symptomatic and deemed eligible.
Mar 16th, 2020Mar 16
Level 2 of 2
C3: Cancel public events - require cancellingDetails
International public events are cancelled. "Annulation de tous les événements internationaux prévus au Togo pendant trois semaines, à compter de ce jour 16 mars 2020"
Mar 16th, 2020Mar 16
Level 2 of 2
H1: Public information campaigns - coordinated public information campaign (eg across traditional and social media)Details
Directions about handwashing, social distancing etc on gov website. "Renforcement de la surveillance et des mesures individuelles et collectives de prévention et de protection: se laver les mains au savon, recourir au gel hydro-alcoolique, ne pas se serrer les mains en se saluant, éviter des accolades et des embrassades, etc"
Mar 19th, 2020Mar 19
Level 2 of 4
C4: Restrictions on gatherings - restrictions on gatherings between 101-1000 peopleDetails
"Interdiction de tout rassemblement de plus de 100 personnes sur toute l’étendue du territoire nationale, pour un mois, à compter du jeudi 19 mars 2020 à minuit."
Mar 20th, 2020Mar 20
Level 3 of 3
C1: School closing - require closing all levelsDetails
Closure of all schools: "La fermeture immédiate de tous les établissements scolaires publics, privés et confessionnels, primaires, secondaires et universitaires pour une période de trois (03) semaines."
Mar 20th, 2020Mar 20
Level 2 of 3
C2: Workplace closing - require closing (or work from home) for some sectors or categories of workersDetails
All nightclubs must close across the country, however other workplaces appear to remain open or just have reduced opening hours. "La fermeture immédiate des discothèques sur toute l’étendue du territoire national"
Mar 20th, 2020Mar 20
Level 2 of 2
C3: Cancel public events - require cancellingDetails
Suspension of cultural and sporting events. "Les activités culturelles et sportives de masse sont suspendues jusqu’à nouvel ordre."
Mar 20th, 2020Mar 20
Level 1 of 3
C6: Stay at home requirements - recommend not leaving houseDetails
Recommendation to limit unnecessary travel.
Mar 20th, 2020Mar 20
Level 4 of 4
C8: International travel controls - ban on all regions or total border closureDetails
"As part of the measures envisaged by the government to prevent the spread of the coronavirus epidemic, the following additional measures have been taken: The closure for two weeks, from this Friday March 20, 2020 at midnight of all the land borders of our country to passengers. This measure does not apply to the movement of goods."
Mar 21st, 2020Mar 21
Level 2 of 2
C3: Cancel public events - require cancellingDetails
Closure of places of worship for 1 month. "La fermeture pour un mois, des lieux de culte, des églises et des mosquées, à compter de samedi 21 mars 2020 à 6h"
Mar 21st, 2020Mar 21
Level 2 of 2
C7: Restrictions on internal movement - internal movement restrictions in placeDetails
Nationwide, citizens asked to 'limit unnecessary travel'. However, the government also announces "the closure of certain towns, notably Lomé, Tsévié, Kpalimé and Sokodé, from Saturday March 21, 2020 at 6 a.m., with strict controls at the entrances at Tsévié on the national road N ° 1; from the toll of Aného on the national road N ° 2 and of Amoussou-Copé on the national road N ° 5".
Apr 1st, 2020Apr 01
Level 0 of 2
E1: Income support - no income supportDetails
Plan for cash transfers to the most vulnerable announced for the coming days. "Lancement dans les prochains jours, d’un programme de transferts monétaires pour les plus vulnérables."
Apr 1st, 2020Apr 01
Level 1 of 2
E2: Debt/contract relief - narrow relief, specific to one kind of contractDetails
Free water and electricity for 3mths "Gratuité de l’eau et de l’électricité pour les tranches sociales pour 3 mois"
Apr 2nd, 2020Apr 02
Level 2 of 3
C6: Stay at home requirements - require not leaving house with exceptions for daily exercise, grocery shopping, and 'essential' tripsDetails
"A state of emergency was declared on 2 April for 3 months and there is a curfew from 8 pm to 6am. An anti-pandemic special force has been put in place to police the curfew."
Apr 7th, 2020Apr 07
Level 0 of 2
C5: Close public transport - no measuresDetails
Ban on motorcycle taxis in one city, however, general public transport (eg busses) do not seem to be altered. an effort to slow community transmission of COVID-19, the Government of Togo has announced additional public health measures in SOKODE to curb the spread of the virus. These include a ban on the use of two-wheeled vehicles (motorcyle taxis), the reinforcement of the closure of the city of SOKODE with the closing of the locality of KOUBON and its surrounding environ, and the enforcement of a national curfew from 8 PM to 6 AM"
Apr 8th, 2020Apr 08
Level 1 of 2
E1: Income support - government is replacing less than 50% of lost salary (or if a flat sum, it is less than 50% median salary)Details
"Le Gouvernement lance « Novissi », un programme de transferts monétaires pour soutenir les populations les plus affectées par les mesures prises dans le cadre de la riposte nationale contre le coronavirus (COVID-19) au Togo." support eligible Togolese citizens in the informal sector whose daily income has been disrupted by the Coronavirus crisis, the Government of Togo has set up the “NOVISSI” cash transfer scheme. NOVISSI provides monthly financial aid to the most vulnerable individuals and families throughout the duration of the state of health emergency."
Apr 12th, 2020Apr 12
Level 1 of 2
E1: Income support - government is replacing less than 50% of lost salary (or if a flat sum, it is less than 50% median salary)Details
"That is why as part of my government’s response to fight Covid-19 in Togo, we are setting up a social safety net scheme called “Novissi”. This means solidarity in local dialect, and is an unconditional cash transfer scheme designed to support all Togolese informal workers whose incomes are disrupted by the Covid-19 response." - unable to ascertain how much or when / if cash transfers started.
May 23rd, 2020May 23
Level 4 of 4
C8: International travel controls - ban on all regions or total border closureDetails
Borders appear to still be closed to all non-residents as suggested by report of recently specifically organised repatriation flights from Pars and Kuwait. Residents arriving are tested at the airport and then required to complete 14 days of quarantine. "Le 23 mai 2020, deux vols spéciaux, en provenance de Paris et de Koweit City, ont atterri à l’aéroport international GNASSINGBE EYADEMA, avec à leurs bords des togolais bloqués hors du territoire national, pour raison de fermeture des frontières, dans le cadre de la riposte contre le COVID-19. Il s’agit de 150 togolais, résidents ou en voyage en Europe, Asie… au moment de la survenue de la pandémie. A leur arrivée, les passagers ont été testés à l’aéroport, et conduits à l’hôtel, où ils seront en quarantaine, pour 14 jours, suivant les dispositions prescrites dans le cadre de la lutte contre le Coronavirus. Des dispositions sont en cours, afin de rapatrier d’autres compatriotes bloqués hors des frontières."
May 26th, 2020May 26
Level 1 of 3
H2: Testing policy - only those who both (a) have symptoms AND (b) meet specific criteria (eg key workers, admitted to hospital, came into contact with a known case, returned from overseas)Details
"To contain the spread of the coronavirus, Togolese authorities plan to test more people and actively monitor suspected cases. The information was recently given by the national coordination team for the Covid-19 response. According to the latter, Lomé’s strategy revolves around testing suspects, quarantining and treating them, and finally tracking them. "
May 26th, 2020May 26
Level 2 of 2
H3: Contact tracing - comprehensive contact tracing; done for all identified casesDetails
"To contain the spread of the coronavirus, Togolese authorities plan to test more people and actively monitor suspected cases. The information was recently given by the national coordination team for the Covid-19 response. According to the latter, Lomé’s strategy revolves around testing suspects, quarantining and treating them, and finally tracking them. "
May 27th, 2020May 27
Level 4 of 4
C8: International travel controls - ban on all regions or total border closureDetails
There is a plan to open borders to travellers, but at this point they still remain closed. "La Coordination travaille en ce moment sur un système de gestion des voyageurs à mettre en place à nos frontières, en prévision à l’ouverture de ces dernières. La stratégie sera désormais d’intensifier la communication au niveau communautaire. Un accent sera mis sur la sensibilisation en périphérie."
Jun 8th, 2020Jun 08
Level 2 of 3
C1: School closing - require closing (only some levels or categories, eg just high school, or just public schools)Details
Plan to open for students to sit exams. Le gouvernement togolais a annoncé vendredi que les écoles et les établissements d’enseignement secondaires seront de nouveau ouverts à compter du lundi 08 juin pour accueillir les classes d’examens uniquement.
Jun 9th, 2020Jun 09
Level 2 of 4
C4: Restrictions on gatherings - restrictions on gatherings between 101-1000 peopleDetails
"Other measures will remain in place; these include: social distancing measures and restrictions on public gatherings." - no change to stated number
Jun 9th, 2020Jun 09
Level 0 of 3
C6: Stay at home requirements - no measuresDetails
The Government announced on June 8 that the curfew would be completely lifted on June 9, with masks becoming compulsory.
Jun 9th, 2020Jun 09
Level 0 of 2
C7: Restrictions on internal movement - no measuresDetails
Government announces the "lifting of the closure of the towns initially concerned", alongside the curfew being lifted.
Jun 15th, 2020Jun 15
Level 2 of 2
H1: Public information campaigns - coordinated public information campaign (eg across traditional and social media)Details
There are government hotlines to answer concerns as well as a "freephone information number". Government website with up to date information and health education.
Jun 17th, 2020Jun 17
Level 2 of 3
C1: School closing - require closing (only some levels or categories, eg just high school, or just public schools)Details
Schools are reopen for those in years with exams. A sa prise de parole, le Coordonnateur National a rappelé la décision du Gouvernement de rouvrir les écoles pour les élèves en classes d’examen. Il a tenu à rassurer l’opinion que tout est mis en œuvre, pour contenir la contamination du virus, malgré la reprise des cours. Il a surtout insisté sur le respect des mesures barrières dans les écoles.
Jun 17th, 2020Jun 17
Level 2 of 2
C3: Cancel public events - require cancellingDetails
No suggestion of re-starting of public events, churches and places of worship specifically remain closed. "En ce qui concerne la réouverture des lieux de cultes, le Coordonnateur National a expliqué que les discussions sont toujours en cours, entre le Ministère de l’Administration territoriale, et les diverses organisations religieuses."
Jun 18th, 2020Jun 18
Level 1 of 2
E1: Income support - government is replacing less than 50% of lost salary (or if a flat sum, it is less than 50% median salary)Details
Novissi program continues.
Jul 1st, 2020Jul 01
Level 0 of 2
E2: Debt/contract relief - no debt/contract reliefDetails
Free water and electricity provision to certain social groups was announced for 3 months starting 1 April. I cannot find any source of that being extended. There is no mention of it in the government's official covid-19 website, or in recent news.
Jul 15th, 2020Jul 15
Level 2 of 3
C1: School closing - require closing (only some levels or categories, eg just high school, or just public schools)Details
On July 13 the government has authorised the partial reopening of public and private universities starting from July 15, in observance of the existing social distancing rules. The official start of the next academic year is set for 26 October 2020.
Jul 17th, 2020Jul 17
Level 2 of 2
C3: Cancel public events - require cancellingDetails
The government has authorised the reopening of worship places starting from July 17.
Aug 2nd, 2020Aug 02
Level 2 of 3
C1: School closing - require closing (only some levels or categories, eg just high school, or just public schools)Details
Schools have been reopened for students that are participating in examinations. See: (web archive not working)
Aug 2nd, 2020Aug 02
Level 2 of 4
C8: International travel controls - quarantine arrivals from some or all regionsDetails
Ethiopian Airlines, Air France, Brussels Airlines, and ASKY have resumed most routine flights to and from Lome International Airport as of the week of August 2, 2020. If travellers arrive on an international flight, they are expected to spend one to two days under personal quarantine at a hotel or private residence in Lome. After this period and subject to the result of the test, travellers will be required to quarantine for 14 to 21 days. However, land crossings are still closed. See: (web archive not working)
Aug 7th, 2020Aug 07
Level 2 of 3
C1: School closing - require closing (only some levels or categories, eg just high school, or just public schools)Details
Schools have opened for students writing examinations.
Aug 7th, 2020Aug 07
Level 2 of 3
C2: Workplace closing - require closing (or work from home) for some sectors or categories of workersDetails
As the economy is being reopened lockdown restrictions are lifted across the country. The curfew requirements are lifted. https://ww
Aug 7th, 2020Aug 07
Level 2 of 2
C3: Cancel public events - require cancellingDetails
Public Events and gathering restrictions remain in place despite lifting other lockdown restrictions. Only religious gatherings are allowed to open. However, this does not apply to all religious gatherings.
Aug 7th, 2020Aug 07
Level 2 of 4
C4: Restrictions on gatherings - restrictions on gatherings between 101-1000 peopleDetails
Aug 7th, 2020Aug 07
Level 0 of 2
C5: Close public transport - no measuresDetails
Aug 7th, 2020Aug 07
Level 0 of 3
C6: Stay at home requirements - no measuresDetails
Since the curfew was lifted, staying at home is no longer a requirement.
Aug 7th, 2020Aug 07
Level 0 of 2
C7: Restrictions on internal movement - no measuresDetails
Aug 7th, 2020Aug 07
Level 2 of 4
C8: International travel controls - quarantine arrivals from some or all regionsDetails
As of August 10, all passengers (including U.S. citizens) traveling to Lomé must show proof of a negative COVID-19 PCR test taken no more than 5 days prior to boarding. On arrival at Lomé Airport/LFW, they will be subject to another mandatory COVID-19 PCR test at the terminal
Aug 7th, 2020Aug 07
Level 1 of 2
E1: Income support - government is replacing less than 50% of lost salary (or if a flat sum, it is less than 50% median salary)Details
A new mobile cash-transfer program, NOVISSI, aiming to support informal workers was launched in April. Eligible applicants receive a state grant of at least 30 percent of the minimum wage, with payouts from CFAF 10,500 ($18) to CFAF 20,000 ($34). Based on program data, 65 percent of the beneficiaries are women.
Aug 7th, 2020Aug 07
Level 0 of 2
E2: Debt/contract relief - no debt/contract reliefDetails
No information on debt relief for citizens or small and medium enterprises
Aug 7th, 2020Aug 07
Level 2 of 2
H1: Public information campaigns - coordinated public information campaign (eg across traditional and social media)Details
There is a coordinated public information campaign using various mediums
Aug 7th, 2020Aug 07
Level 1 of 3
H2: Testing policy - only those who both (a) have symptoms AND (b) meet specific criteria (eg key workers, admitted to hospital, came into contact with a known case, returned from overseas)Details
Togo is implementing a test treat track policy which includes systematically testing chief districts that have passed the threshold of 10 cases set by the coordinating team
Aug 7th, 2020Aug 07
Level 2 of 2
H3: Contact tracing - comprehensive contact tracing; done for all identified casesDetails
Togo is implementing a comprehensive testing strategy and has improved its testing capacity.
About government response data
Data is collected from public sources by a team of over one hundred Oxford University students and staff from every part of the world. Please note: not all countries are equally up to date; for certain countries, some indicators will be missing for some days.
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Source:Oxford COVID-19 Government Response Tracker...

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