What's the government response timeline for Uruguay?
Response timeline
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COVID-19 government response timeline for Uruguay
Find out what policies Uruguay has implemented to combat the pandemic.
Jan 8th, 2020Jan 08
Level 0 of 2
C5: Close public transport - no measuresDetails
On 10th April, government urged public to wear masks.The above link is not archived. The archived link is follows https://www.elpais.com.uy/informacion/politica/tapaboca-herramienta-gobierno-exhorta.html
HideJan 9th, 2020Jan 09
Level 0 of 2
C5: Close public transport - no measuresDetails
Up to April 10th, the government had set no measures regarding public transport other than recommending the use of masks. https://www.elpais.com.uy/informacion/politica/tapaboca-herramienta-gobierno-exhorta.html
HideJan 11th, 2020Jan 11
Level 0 of 2
C5: Close public transport - no measuresDetails
On 10th April, government urged public to wear masks.The above link is not archived. The archived link is follows https://www.elpais.com.uy/informacion/politica/tapaboca-herramienta-gobierno-exhorta.html
HideJan 14th, 2020Jan 14
Level 0 of 2
C5: Close public transport - no measuresDetails
Up to April 10th, the government had set no measures regarding public transport other than recommending the use of masks. https://www.elpais.com.uy/informacion/politica/tapaboca-herramienta-gobierno-exhorta.html
HideJan 15th, 2020Jan 15
Level 0 of 2
C5: Close public transport - no measuresDetails
On 10th April, government urged public to wear masks.The above link is not archived. The archived link is follows https://www.elpais.com.uy/informacion/politica/tapaboca-herramienta-gobierno-exhorta.html
HideJan 18th, 2020Jan 18
Level 0 of 2
C5: Close public transport - no measuresDetails
Up to April 10th, the government had set no measures regarding public transport other than recommending the use of masks. https://www.elpais.com.uy/informacion/politica/tapaboca-herramienta-gobierno-exhorta.html
HideJan 19th, 2020Jan 19
Level 0 of 2
C5: Close public transport - no measuresDetails
On 10th April, government urged public to wear masks.The above link is not archived. The archived link is follows https://www.elpais.com.uy/informacion/politica/tapaboca-herramienta-gobierno-exhorta.html
HideJan 20th, 2020Jan 20
Level 0 of 2
C5: Close public transport - no measuresDetails
Up to April 10th, the government had set no measures regarding public transport other than recommending the use of masks. https://www.elpais.com.uy/informacion/politica/tapaboca-herramienta-gobierno-exhorta.html
HideJan 22nd, 2020Jan 22
Level 0 of 2
C5: Close public transport - no measuresDetails
On 10th April, government urged public to wear masks.The above link is not archived. The archived link is follows https://www.elpais.com.uy/informacion/politica/tapaboca-herramienta-gobierno-exhorta.html
HideJan 24th, 2020Jan 24
Level 0 of 2
C5: Close public transport - no measuresDetails
Up to April 10th, the government had set no measures regarding public transport other than recommending the use of masks. https://www.elpais.com.uy/informacion/politica/tapaboca-herramienta-gobierno-exhorta.html
HideJan 25th, 2020Jan 25
Level 0 of 2
C5: Close public transport - no measuresDetails
On 10th April, government urged public to wear masks.The above link is not archived. The archived link is follows https://www.elpais.com.uy/informacion/politica/tapaboca-herramienta-gobierno-exhorta.html
HideJan 26th, 2020Jan 26
Level 0 of 2
C5: Close public transport - no measuresDetails
On 10th April, government urged public to wear masks while using public transport.Otherwise there is no other policy..The above link is not archived. The archived link is follows https://www.elpais.com.uy/informacion/politica/tapaboca-herramienta-gobierno-exhorta.html
HideJan 29th, 2020Jan 29
Level 0 of 2
C5: Close public transport - no measuresDetails
On 10th April, government urged public to wear masks while using public transport.Otherwise there is no other policy..The above link is not archived. The archived link is follows https://www.elpais.com.uy/informacion/politica/tapaboca-herramienta-gobierno-exhorta.html The same updated notes apply till 10th April
HideJan 30th, 2020Jan 30
Level 0 of 2
C5: Close public transport - no measuresDetails
Up to April 10th, the government had set no measures regarding public transport other than recommending the use of masks. https://www.elpais.com.uy/informacion/politica/tapaboca-herramienta-gobierno-exhorta.html
HideMar 13th, 2020Mar 13
Level 2 of 2
C3: Cancel public events - require cancellingDetails
Presidential decree from March 13 suspends all public events in the country "Suspéndanse todos los espectáculos públicos hasta que el Poder Ejecutivo lo determine" Link: https://medios.presidencia.gub.uy/legal/2020/decretos/03/cons_min_18.pdf
HideMar 13th, 2020Mar 13
Level 1 of 3
C6: Stay at home requirements - recommend not leaving houseDetails
Government declares sanitary emergency and recommends people stay home Link: https://www.presidencia.gub.uy/comunicacion/comunicacionnoticias/medidas-gobierno-emergencia-sanitaria-covid19
HideMar 13th, 2020Mar 13
Level 1 of 2
C7: Restrictions on internal movement - recommend not to travel between regions/citiesDetails
People are recommended to stay at home /web/20200413042203/ https://www.presidencia.gub.uy/comunicacion/comunicacionnoticias/medidas-gobierno-emergencia-sanitaria-covid19
HideMar 13th, 2020Mar 13
Level 2 of 4
C8: International travel controls - quarantine arrivals from some or all regionsDetails
A 14-days quarantine is mandatory for those travellers coming from affected countries. https://www.presidencia.gub.uy/comunicacion/comunicacionnoticias/medidas-gobierno-trabajo-emergencia-sanitaria-covid19
HideMar 13th, 2020Mar 13
Level 1 of 3
H2: Testing policy - only those who both (a) have symptoms AND (b) meet specific criteria (eg key workers, admitted to hospital, came into contact with a known case, returned from overseas)Details
13th March: Uruguay confirmed its first four tested cases of coronavirus on Friday 13th March, the Ministry of Health announced in a tweet. Testing continues for people meeting specific criteria. web.archive.org/web/20200406201420/ https://en.mercopress.com/2020/03/14/uruguay-confirms-first-four-tested-cases-of-coronavirus-all-arrived-from-italy First case 13th March. Press conference the government health minister says: "Search asked him to speak with the person responsible for the ministry's laboratory, the A reference center for diagnosing coronavirus in the country and, until Monday, almost the only one that did the test. Satdjian and Asqueta, more calmly, listened to the proposal and tried to explain the response of the minister, who finally authorized the note. It happens that in the beginning, when the cases are very few, it is important to carry out the tests and it is also viable to keep track of the people with Covid-19 and their contacts, Asqueta explained. Once the virus has spread, it is more important for the doctor to make the clinical diagnosis and to assist the person, than to confirm her Covid-19 in the laboratory. Although it does matter, once phase three has arrived, which is that of community contagion, it is not the main concern of the health authorities." https://www.busqueda.com.uy/nota/autoridades-y-asesores-del-msp-aseguran-que-no-es-prioritario-diagnosticar-todos-los-casos-de
HideMar 14th, 2020Mar 14
Level 3 of 3
C1: School closing - require closing all levelsDetails
Suspension of classes for 14 days at all educational levels, public and private Link: https://www.presidencia.gub.uy/comunicacion/comunicacionnoticias/medidas-gobierno-emergencia-sanitaria-covid19
HideMar 14th, 2020Mar 14
Level 2 of 2
H1: Public information campaigns - coordinated public information campaign (eg across traditional and social media)Details
Website with al relevant information on coronavirus and what the government is doing: /web/20200430214429/ https://www.gub.uy/sistema-nacional-emergencias/comunicacion/noticias/informacion-interes-actualizada-sobre-coronavirus-covid-19-uruguay
HideMar 15th, 2020Mar 15
Level 3 of 3
C1: School closing - require closing all levelsDetails
Mar 15th, 2020Mar 15
Level 1 of 3
C2: Workplace closing - recommend closing (or recommend work from home)Details
Mar 15th, 2020Mar 15
Level 1 of 2
H3: Contact tracing - limited contact tracing; not done for all casesDetails
The Ministry of Public Health announced it would trace individuals coming from high risk areas. https://www.elpais.com.uy/informacion/politica/delgado-hay-casos-sospechosos-departamentos-aislamiento.html (Archived version: https://www.elpais.com.uy/informacion/politica/delgado-hay-casos-sospechosos-departamentos-aislamiento.html)
HideMar 16th, 2020Mar 16
Level 3 of 4
C8: International travel controls - ban arrivals from some regionsDetails
A 14-days quarantine is mandatory for those travelers coming from affected countries + flights from Europe & vessels from Argentina banned (except for Nationals). https://www.presidencia.gub.uy/comunicacion/comunicacionnoticias/medidas-gobierno-trabajo-emergencia-sanitaria-covid19
HideMar 16th, 2020Mar 16
Level 1 of 2
H3: Contact tracing - limited contact tracing; not done for all casesDetails
The Ministry of Public Health announced it would trace individuals coming from high risk areas. https://www.elpais.com.uy/informacion/politica/delgado-hay-casos-sospechosos-departamentos-aislamiento.html
HideMar 17th, 2020Mar 17
Level 1 of 3
C2: Workplace closing - recommend closing (or recommend work from home)Details
Government urges the preventive and provisional closure of large premises, except those for the sale of food and pharmacies https://www.presidencia.gub.uy/comunicacion/comunicacionnoticias/alvaro-delgado-conferencia-exhortacion-cierre-locales-gran-porte-excepto-alimentos-farmacias
HideMar 18th, 2020Mar 18
Level 1 of 3
C6: Stay at home requirements - recommend not leaving houseDetails
Circulation of police mobiles to exhort the population to avoid crowds on public roads as a way of contributing to the prevention of the spread of the virus. https://www.presidencia.gub.uy/comunicacion/comunicacionnoticias/medidas-gobierno-emergencia-sanitaria-covid19
HideMar 18th, 2020Mar 18
Level 1 of 2
E1: Income support - government is replacing less than 50% of lost salary (or if a flat sum, it is less than 50% median salary)Details
https://www.imf.org/en/Topics/imf-and-covid19/Policy-Responses-to-COVID-19#U Furthermore, some tax and pension obligations will be postponed or reduced, rules for claiming the unemployment insurance are being made more flexible, older workers will be subsidized so they do not have to leave home, and assistance to the most vulnerable groups will be expanded. The cost of expanding the unemployment insurance, of assisting older workers, and of cash transfers is estimated at $400 million Flexibilization of unemployment insurance was on March 18 /web/20200413042203/ https://www.presidencia.gub.uy/comunicacion/comunicacionnoticias/medidas-gobierno-emergencia-sanitaria-covid19
HideMar 19th, 2020Mar 19
Level 2 of 2
E2: Debt/contract relief - broadDetails
- The government has postponed maturities of tax payments and credit programs. - VAT payments have been deferred to be paid in 6 installments without interest. - Social Security Bank loan quotas for retirees and pensioners have been deferred /web/20200430214936/ https://www.gub.uy/medidas-emergencia-sanitaria
HideMar 23rd, 2020Mar 23
Level 1 of 3
C6: Stay at home requirements - recommend not leaving houseDetails
Call for citizens to comply with the isolation measures, with an increase in the presence of patrollers and police officers to discourage the practice of meetings at fairs and attendance at beaches or boulevards.
HideMar 24th, 2020Mar 24
Level 4 of 4
C8: International travel controls - ban on all regions or total border closureDetails
Borders completely closed, even for nationals, until April 13. https://www.presidencia.gub.uy/comunicacion/comunicacionnoticias/medidas-gobierno-trabajo-emergencia-sanitaria-covid19
HideMar 27th, 2020Mar 27
Level 1 of 2
C5: Close public transport - recommend closing (or significantly reduce volume/route/means of transport available)Details
Reduction of public transportation during weekends (since 27.03). Increase of frequency during weekdays to avoid overcrowded units (since 10.04). Source: https://www.presidencia.gub.uy/comunicacion/comunicacionnoticias/medidas-gobierno-trabajo-emergencia-sanitaria-covid19
HideApr 1st, 2020Apr 01
Level 1 of 2
C5: Close public transport - recommend closing (or significantly reduce volume/route/means of transport available)Details
Reduction to 50% of the number of collective transport units that circulate on weekends and disinfection of vehicles after the end of each trip. The measure is mandatory and was ordered by the Ministry of Transport and Public Works. https://www.presidencia.gub.uy/comunicacion/comunicacionnoticias/medidas-gobierno-emergencia-sanitaria-covid19
HideApr 1st, 2020Apr 01
Level 2 of 2
C7: Restrictions on internal movement - internal movement restrictions in placeDetails
Call for citizens not to travel with trailers, trailers, motor homes or the like and not to circulate with hunting weapons, from Wednesday, April 1. Controls will be carried out on national routes, departmental roads and within cities, which include request for documents and control of vehicle regularity. Public campsites and resorts are closed and private parties are encouraged to do so as well. https://www.presidencia.gub.uy/comunicacion/comunicacionnoticias/medidas-gobierno-transporte-emergencia-sanitaria-covid19
HideApr 2nd, 2020Apr 02
Level 2 of 3
C6: Stay at home requirements - require not leaving house with exceptions for daily exercise, grocery shopping, and 'essential' tripsDetails
New call not to leave the houses without a specific need, or move to other locations during the Tourism Week, in order to avoid the spread of the virus to the departments that it has not yet affected. https://www.presidencia.gub.uy/comunicacion/comunicacionnoticias/medidas-gobierno-emergencia-sanitaria-covid19
HideApr 2nd, 2020Apr 02
Level 1 of 3
H2: Testing policy - only those who both (a) have symptoms AND (b) meet specific criteria (eg key workers, admitted to hospital, came into contact with a known case, returned from overseas)Details
The tests are taken just with a medical order Source: https://www.efe.com/efe/america/sociedad/uruguay-copia-un-modelo-coreano-para-hacer-test-de-covid-19-sin-salir-del-auto/20000013-4210057 “It happens that in the beginning, when the cases are very few, it is important to carry out the tests and it is also viable to keep track of people with Covid-19 and their contacts” “When the virus spreads, it is more important for the doctor to make the clinical diagnosis and to assist the person, than to confirm their Covid-19 in the laboratory.” Source: https://www.busqueda.com.uy/nota/autoridades-y-asesores-del-msp-aseguran-que-no-es-prioritario-diagnosticar-todos-los-casos-de
HideApr 2nd, 2020Apr 02
Level 1 of 2
H3: Contact tracing - limited contact tracing; not done for all casesDetails
The Ministry of Public Health announced it would trace individuals coming from high risk areas. https://www.elpais.com.uy/informacion/politica/delgado-hay-casos-sospechosos-departamentos-aislamiento.html There is no recent information that indicates if the government maintains its traceability capacity
HideApr 4th, 2020Apr 04
Level 2 of 2
C3: Cancel public events - require cancellingDetails
Emphasis on the need to avoid crowds during Tourism Week. In this sense, the Government draws up a decree that will urge departmental governments to close public campsites, thermal holiday centers and the like, owned by the State. Likewise, it will request private parties to comply with the same measure. https://www.presidencia.gub.uy/comunicacion/comunicacionnoticias/medidas-gobierno-emergencia-sanitaria-covid19
HideApr 13th, 2020Apr 13
Level 1 of 3
C6: Stay at home requirements - recommend not leaving houseDetails
End of the Tourism Week in Uruguay - period during which there were internal movement restrictions
HideApr 13th, 2020Apr 13
Level 1 of 2
C7: Restrictions on internal movement - recommend not to travel between regions/citiesDetails
Controls on national routes were only in place from April 1-12, for the duration of Holy Week. After that, the government policy has been to exhort the population not to travel across the country. Domestic tourism decreased dramatically due to the rest of the measures implemented. However, there are no prohibitions to internal movement in place. https://www.presidencia.gub.uy/comunicacion/comunicacionnoticias/ministerio-del-interior-medidas-semana-de-turismo
HideApr 14th, 2020Apr 14
Level 3 of 3
C1: School closing - require closing all levelsDetails
Apr 14th, 2020Apr 14
Level 1 of 3
C2: Workplace closing - recommend closing (or recommend work from home)Details
Home office recommended, if possible, since March 15. Source: https://www.presidencia.gub.uy/comunicacion/comunicacionnoticias/medidas-gobierno-trabajo-emergencia-sanitaria-covid19
HideApr 14th, 2020Apr 14
Level 4 of 4
C8: International travel controls - ban on all regions or total border closureDetails
Borders completely closed for an undetermined time. Nationals and residents are allowed to return. Source: https://www.impo.com.uy/bases/decretos/104-2020 / https://www.presidencia.gub.uy/comunicacion/comunicacionnoticias/medidas-gobierno-trabajo-emergencia-sanitaria-covid19
HideApr 22nd, 2020Apr 22
Level 3 of 3
C1: School closing - require closing all levelsDetails
Rural schools have opened after one month of full closing. Schools in cities will continue closed. Source: https://www.infobae.com/america/america-latina/2020/04/22/reabrieron-en-uruguay-la-mitad-de-las-escuelas-rurales-en-medio-de-la-pandemia-del-coronavirus/ / https://www.presidencia.gub.uy/comunicacion/comunicacionnoticias/medidas-gobierno-trabajo-emergencia-sanitaria-covid19
HideMay 26th, 2020May 26
Level 1 of 2
E1: Income support - government is replacing less than 50% of lost salary (or if a flat sum, it is less than 50% median salary)Details
Formal workers who have lost their income can access the Unemployment Subsidy under the BPS scheme (Social Security Bank), for up to six months. The scale of income compensated can be found on the link below, decreasing from 66% on month 1, to 40% on month 6. This includes self-employed workers who offer services as single proprietorship companies (empresa unipersonal). https://www.bps.gub.uy/4802/subsidio-por-desempleo.html
HideJun 1st, 2020Jun 01
Level 2 of 3
C1: School closing - require closing (only some levels or categories, eg just high school, or just public schools)Details
The President announced the educational levels and categories that resume classes on June 1: - Schools in the countryside, 7th-9th grade (Escuelas rurales de enseñanza primaria y media) - 12th grade in regular and technical schools, except for those in the Montevideo metropolitan area - School in socioeconomically vulnerable areas (categories Aprender and Tiempo Completo). https://www.presidencia.gub.uy/comunicacion/comunicacionnoticias/conferencia-lacalle-pou-retorno-clases
HideJun 17th, 2020Jun 17
Level 2 of 3
C1: School closing - require closing (only some levels or categories, eg just high school, or just public schools)Details
Since June 17, all three levels are opened in the country. Some schools are still closed in the Rivera Department due to new infections. Source: https://www.perfil.com/noticias/educacion/uruguay-reabrio-escuelas-480mil-alumnos-volvieron-jardines-infantes.phtml
HideJun 25th, 2020Jun 25
Level 3 of 3
H2: Testing policy - open public testing (eg "drive through" testing available to asymptomatic people)Details
Recoded from 1, as testing has actually been incredibly strong. "Testing is so aggressive that Uruguay is fourth worldwide after New Zealand, Australia and Thailand in the number of tests conducted per new confirmed case. Uruguay conducts 1,610 tests per new case. By comparison, the US and UK conduct only 52 and 21 tests respectively." "Instead of seeking out only the contacts of confirmed cases, Uruguay sends out special teams to test random city blocks and critical job sectors such as construction workers, carrying out more than 57,000 tests so far – approximately 1.6% of its population of 3.5 million." https://www.theguardian.com/world/2020/jun/25/uruguay-and-paraguay-buck-latin-america-coronavirus-trend
HideJun 27th, 2020Jun 27
Level 0 of 2
C3: Cancel public events - no measuresDetails
Public spectacles are allowed, provided that they comply with sanitary requirements. "Se habilita la realización de espectáculos públicos que cumplan con los protocolos aprobados por el Poder Ejecutivo específicamente para cada actividad". /web/20200629144922/ https://www.gub.uy/ministerio-salud-publica/comunicacion/noticias/comunicado-del-msp-ante-espectaculos-publicos
HideJun 29th, 2020Jun 29
Level 2 of 3
C1: School closing - require closing (only some levels or categories, eg just high school, or just public schools)Details
On 29th June, Uruguay has completed the reopening of schools at all levels across the country, with the department of Treinta y Tres as an exception. "De esta manera, el sistema educativo vuelve a la situación anterior al 13 de marzo, cuando el gobierno declaró la emergencia sanitaria y suspendió las clases, los eventos masivos, las actividades no esenciales y ordenó el cierre de fronteras. La única excepción es el departamento de Treinta y Tres, en la frontera con Brasil, donde el pasado fin de semana se registró un brote que preocupa a las autoridades." https://www.infobae.com/america/america-latina/2020/06/29/uruguay-completa-la-reapertura-de-las-escuelas-256-mil-alumnos-vuelven-a-clase-en-montevideo/ https://en.unesco.org/covid19/educationresponse
HideJul 5th, 2020Jul 05
Level 2 of 4
C8: International travel controls - quarantine arrivals from some or all regionsDetails
The first commercial flight authorized from Spain landed in Montevideo on July 5. Before arrival, passengers were asked to present a negative test on Covid-19 not older than 72 hours. On arrival, passengers were tested once again and confined to a mandatory quarantine. Source: https://www.laregioninternacional.com/articulo/en-el-mundo/uruguay-endurece-medidas-fronteras-evitar-contagios-covid-19/20200709114228266254.html
HideJul 10th, 2020Jul 10
Level 0 of 3
C2: Workplace closing - no measuresDetails
restaurants have opened long ago, so did entertainment facilities, with sanitary protocols in place
HideJul 10th, 2020Jul 10
Level 0 of 4
C4: Restrictions on gatherings - no restrictionsDetails
no specific policy on gatherings can be found
HideJul 10th, 2020Jul 10
Level 0 of 2
C5: Close public transport - no measuresDetails
no public transport restrictions; as Uruguay even gradually opens to international travel.
HideJul 10th, 2020Jul 10
Level 0 of 3
C6: Stay at home requirements - no measuresDetails
no restrictions on 'stay at home' as uruguay gets back to its normality, with schools open etc. https://www.imf.org/en/Topics/imf-and-covid19/Policy-Responses-to-COVID-19
HideJul 10th, 2020Jul 10
Level 0 of 2
C7: Restrictions on internal movement - no measuresDetails
no restrictions on inter-region travels, as uruguay gradually opens for international travel https://www.imf.org/en/Topics/imf-and-covid19/Policy-Responses-to-COVID-19
HideJul 10th, 2020Jul 10
Level 2 of 4
C8: International travel controls - quarantine arrivals from some or all regionsDetails
Since 7th July, Uruguay will require the coronavirus test to all those who enter the countryThese tests must be carried out up to 72 hours before entering the country "in a laboratory duly accredited and authorised in the country of origin or transit". https://www.infobae.com/america/america-latina/2020/07/07/uruguay-exigira-test-de-coronavirus-a-todos-los-que-ingresen-al-pais/
HideJul 10th, 2020Jul 10
Level 1 of 2
E1: Income support - government is replacing less than 50% of lost salary (or if a flat sum, it is less than 50% median salary)Details
Starting in June, the government subsidized employment by paying companies 5,000 pesos per month (about 1/3 of the current minimum wage) for three months for each new hire. The cost of expanding the unemployment insurance, of assisting older workers, and of cash transfers is estimated at $400 million (0.7 percent of GDP) https://www.imf.org/en/Topics/imf-and-covid19/Policy-Responses-to-COVID-19
HideJul 10th, 2020Jul 10
Level 2 of 2
E2: Debt/contract relief - broadDetails
"rules for claiming the unemployment insurance are being made more flexible, older workers will be subsidized so they do not have to leave home, and assistance to the most vulnerable groups (cash and direct provision of food) will be expanded." "some tax and pension obligations are being postponed or reduced, utility payments are being cancelled or reduced for some companies" https://www.imf.org/en/Topics/imf-and-covid19/Policy-Responses-to-COVID-19
HideJul 10th, 2020Jul 10
Level 1 of 2
H3: Contact tracing - limited contact tracing; not done for all casesDetails
no further updates on the tracing policy
HideJul 24th, 2020Jul 24
Level 2 of 3
C1: School closing - require closing (only some levels or categories, eg just high school, or just public schools)Details
Localized closings still current https://en.unesco.org/covid19/educationresponse
HideJul 24th, 2020Jul 24
Level 0 of 3
C2: Workplace closing - no measuresDetails
Jul 24th, 2020Jul 24
Level 0 of 2
C3: Cancel public events - no measuresDetails
Still current
HideJul 24th, 2020Jul 24
Level 0 of 4
C4: Restrictions on gatherings - no restrictionsDetails
Still current
HideJul 24th, 2020Jul 24
Level 0 of 2
C5: Close public transport - no measuresDetails
Still current
HideJul 24th, 2020Jul 24
Level 0 of 3
C6: Stay at home requirements - no measuresDetails
Still current
HideJul 24th, 2020Jul 24
Level 0 of 2
C7: Restrictions on internal movement - no measuresDetails
Still current
HideJul 24th, 2020Jul 24
Level 2 of 4
C8: International travel controls - quarantine arrivals from some or all regionsDetails
Still current, "Passengers will need to present a negative coronavirus test taken maximum 72 hours before boarding at origin. Upon arrival you are legally obliged go to a declared address to carry out a 7-day mandatory quarantine. On day 7 of the quarantine you will be required to have a second swab taken and wait for a negative result before being allowed to finish your quarantine period. Alternatively you can quarantine for 14 days without having to take the second test. All non-resident foreigners entering Uruguay must have proof of health insurance that covers suspected or actual coronavirus." https://medios.presidencia.gub.uy/legal/2020/decretos/07/cons_min_292.pdf
HideJul 24th, 2020Jul 24
Level 1 of 2
E1: Income support - government is replacing less than 50% of lost salary (or if a flat sum, it is less than 50% median salary)Details
Jul 24th, 2020Jul 24
Level 2 of 2
E2: Debt/contract relief - broadDetails
Jul 24th, 2020Jul 24
Level 2 of 2
H1: Public information campaigns - coordinated public information campaign (eg across traditional and social media)Details
Jul 24th, 2020Jul 24
Level 1 of 2
H3: Contact tracing - limited contact tracing; not done for all casesDetails
Still current
HideAbout government response data
Data is collected from public sources by a team of over one hundred Oxford University students and staff from every part of the world. Please note: not all countries are equally up to date; for certain countries, some indicators will be missing for some days.
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